Who were you 10 years ago? What would you have thought of present self/present life? Would you recognize yourself? Your spouse? Is there anything you wish hadn't changed? Any changes for the better?
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10 Years Ago
Just a crazy thing that's been on my mind.
10 years ago I was just getting comfortable in my career. I was an associate at BigLawFirm and I finally had enough experience to be confident in my work. I was old enough to feel like an adult even though many of my big life choices were still ahead of me. I was very single. Dating a totally awful man but just a couple relationships from meeting my husband. I was a size 2, very well manicured, I used to get my nails done every week and I had the perfect outfit for every occasion. I wore stilettos every day. I went to lots of cocktail parties. I had a teeny well-groomed dog. I had a lot of time on my hands. I owned a condo on the 26th floor of a building on the bay. I was busy all the time. I was stressed out all the time. I really really really wanted to get married and start a family. I hoped that in 10 years, I'd be a SAHM living in the Midwest, married to a nice Jewish boy -- even better if he was a handsome professional. I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin.
10 years later, I've got everything I wanted. All of the big decisions are behind me. I'm still busy all the time. I'm still stressed out all the time. My younger self would never believe that I could possibly be unhappy for even a second and I'd probably chew myself out for being ungrateful, for being exasperated when the boys misbehave, for *having kids that misbehave* (because, of course, 10 years ago, before I had kids, I knew how to parent), for ever feeling put out when I have to pick up after my nice handsome Jewish professional husband.... Yet, I wouldn't want my life of 10 years ago back either. Though I miss the free time, the clothes, and being skinny.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
I was about 6 months into my first job out of college. I hated the company, but I loved what I was doing (programming), and I loved my coworkers (most of them). I had baby fever so badly I ended up going into depression over having to wait, but I wanted to be a SAHM so badly that I knew I would regret it if we didn't. DH was still coasting along in MS1 and doing really well. We were loving living in an apartment in the middle of a big city. We felt like we were crazy rich living on my $50k a year because it was almost twice what we lived on in college. We ate out all the time, and we saw all the mainstream and independent films we wanted to. We were still working on making friends there, so it was a little lonely compared to our busy social life in college, but we were just about to meet the couple who continues to be our best friends.
I think we're mostly living the life we'd planned, although in a different location. We thought we'd stay or end up in the city DH went to medical school, and we're in a fairly small town instead. I think we'd be disappointed in ourselves for not travelling more. DH has said that he feels a lot like George Bailey. He's happy with our life, but it seems like life events just keep keeping us from seeing the world the way we'd planned.Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
I didn't think I'd ever really fall in love and was okay with being single. I had a large group of friends, a job that paid the bills, and went on dates once in a while. I never thought I'd end up with someone in medicine so all this is a huge surprise. In the past decade, I've become more compassionate and learned that I'm far more patient than I ever thought possible. I really like the person I'm becoming, which is in part due to SO's influence and his believing in me. My circle of friends has become much smaller but I consider every one of them to be my best friend, I'm about to embark on a major career change, and I'm more comfortable in my skin than ever. Still pretty neurotic though!
Ten years ago I was working three jobs at the same time and I'd just met my future husband. To be honest I never saw myself past a certain age at that time. However, I'm happy where I am now but somethings could always be better. I thought for certain I'd have kids by now but alas. Things don't always go as planned.PGY4 Nephrology Fellow
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
~ Rumi
2005? Hah! DH was 1/2 way through intern year, we had just moved to the freezer of the U.S. and bought our first house. I had a job I liked, was starting to make friends (this is probably about the time I met Deebs), a brand new puppy, etc. 10 years later yes I'm where I thought I'd be as far as a mom and SAHM but if you had told me we'd be here I'd have laughed in your face!Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Hmmm 10 years ago I was in college at UIC doing finance (read mostly drinking and socializing)... I think I have always been a hopeless romantic/dreamer. I knew I always wanted everything and now, I feel like I have it. I guess back then I thought I would marry my boyfriend (shudder...).
The thing I wouldn't recognize now is actually how much I want to be in bed by 9! Ten years ago, bedtime was 5am and I was fine waking up at 1pm! Now, I'm a total early bird.
I think all my changes have been for the better.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hubby and I were both juniors in college at Baylor. We were dating but definitely planned on marriage. He was in the med school application process, probably. I was thinking about grad school. Life was good!Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer
It is about when Suzy Sunshine and I met - and we were in the same stage of life.
Intern year, I had just started a new job, new house, new puppy. We were trying to get pregnant, and I was surviving my first Minnesota winter. I was really focused on my career and doing really well getting my position off the ground and running. I was planning a certification that had never been offered before (Tobacco Treatment Specialist), and having fun with DH's residency buddies. It was a crazy, but fun time.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
10 years ago I was about to turn 30 and DD10 was about to have her very first birthday. DH was PGY5 GS and we were living in Seattle. We were much hipper and thinner then.We lived the old art room of the Queen Anne high school http://www.queenannehighschool.com I loved that place and our apartment. We knew we were heading to chicago for a one year fellowship. I was looking forward to the change and was tired of wet, gray winters. I was working two weekends per month as an agency nurse to supplement our income and get a break from childcare.
If I could see my life 10 years down the line I would have been *shocked* that we have four kids.I was still struggling with the parenthood adjustment at that time. I never would have guess we'd end up living here, but we're very happy here. I never would have guessed I'd be working as a school nurse. The thought had never crossed my mind back then. I'd love the place I'm working at though. I'd be bit surprised at my weight because all the women in family seem to be effortlessly thin. I'd be surprised that we hadn't paid off all the debt and had a vacation house by now, but I was naive
I was a senior in college and if you told me I was going to meet someone and follow him around literally the entire country from coast to coast I would have laughed in your face.
ETA: more I wonder where I will be 10 years from now rather then how far I've come. I guess thats probably because I don't even know where I am going to be 6 months from now.-L.Jane
Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!
10 years ago right now I was backpacking through Europe with DH, mid-way through our junior year of college. If you would have asked me then to predict where I'd be right now, I would have said pretty much exactly where I am. The only difference would be that I used to think I'd have an only child (like myself) and now I have two. Otherwise, DH was already on the career path he's on (specialty snd everything) and we hoped to be living somewhere on the west coast.
All in all, the former me would be pretty happy with the current me, I think.
Originally posted by Ladybug View PostWe lived the old art room of the Queen Anne high school http://www.queenannehighschool.com I loved that place and our apartment.Sandy
Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty