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10 Years Ago

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  • #31
    10 years ago, we were in our 15th year of marriage and DH was in his final six months of military payback in north TX. His post-military job (that he still has) was in place, and both of were *very* excited to move on and get back to the midwest. My boys were 9, 6, and 3. They kept me busy, but oh how I miss those little boys now. <sniff>
    I was teaching 3rd grade part time at my boys' private school, and I was enjoying it. but I would never have dreamed that 10 years later I would be working full time and in my 9th year of teaching!
    I sometimes still can't believe I'm working. My dream was always to stay home with my kids, and I did stay home for 11 years. It is interesting where life takes you! In general, life is better than I would have predicted 10 years ago, in many areas. DH is exactly as I would have pictured him.
    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #32
      Who were you 10 years ago? What would you have thought of present self/present life? Would you recognize yourself? Your spouse? Is there anything you wish hadn't changed? Any changes for the better?

      Ten years ago I was a junior in college dating an emotionally abusive asshole. I had no idea what to do with my life, but I wanted to "help" people. I was worried I'd never do any better than the guy I was with, so I was trying to make peace with marrying someone so awful.

      20 year old me would probably be shocked that I'm a paralegal and not an attorney. Sometimes I'm still shocked. I don't want the debt and the risk though, so what are ya gonna do?

      I'd never have thought I'd end up with my DH. He's Southern and traditional and formal, and I'm a West coast hippy! He is the nicest guy I've ever been though, and I'm totally comfortable in my own skin with him. That was a good change. I had no idea I'd be living in the South, supporting a husband, and still feeling so "stuck" at 30! It's cool, though. I'll take it.

      I've lost some of my drive and boundless energy. I'd like to get that back someday.


      • #33
        10 years ago I was a sophomore in high school. DH and I had just started dating and were absolutely obsessed with each other. Any amount of time apart was too long and god forbid we not get to sit next to each other at every meal, car ride or outing. We went on a lot of "bike rides" :P. He wanted to be a football player, I wanted to be a zookeeper or vet. I felt fat at a size 4 and thought I was the luckiest girl in the world to have found such an amazingly smart and handsome man. We went to college together, got a dog, got married, he went on to med school. A lovely path.

        My self confidence has come a long way since then. I'm comfortable with who I am, even if I never got down to a size 2 and I never plan to. I'm proud of what we've done. I think I'd have been proud of any career path we took because we always wanted to do something "good", whatever that meant. As a teacher and a doctor I believe we're doing just that. I think we're a little more "hipster" than DH expected, he's definitely more liberal than when we started dating, but I believe that makes us more conscious of our impact and those around us.

        One thing I think would have been good for us would have been to go out of state for med school. To see what it's like outside of Florida. Though if we had we wouldn't have our new friends, our bus, and the close relationship we have with our families. No regrets, but I think the time to branch out will come with residency.

        What a fun post. I look forward to doing it again in 10 years from now because I think the changes will be of more significance. Who knows what's to come.

        "There's no way to happiness, happiness is the way"

