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10 Years Ago

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  • #16
    I was one year out of high school. Living the college life. Loving my sorority sisters and that life, Dh and I were dating still. I don't think I ever really thought of the future me then. I was having too much fun partying and worrying about where I would go for spring break.
    Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


    • #17
      No way, Poky!!!! That's crazy. I have so many good memories there. They put a BBQ area on top oft he building and you can see all off Seattle from the tippy top of QA. It was spectacular.


      • #18
        Ten years ago, we had been married a couple years already, and DS (first kid) was about to turn one. I NEVER would have guessed we'd still be here, and I would still be struggling to finish my flipping degree. Thought FOR SURE, I'd be done with med school by now. *wipes tears of hilarity* I'm also quite astonished that I weigh as much as I do, which came not from childbearing but from the phenomenally stressful experience of building a house. The husband is still trucking along, quite as he was ten years ago. I'm hoping the next ten years brings some hefty changes for both of us.


        • #19
          10 Years Ago

          10 years ago dh and I were in Nashville. Halfway through his xtra year of research before starting forth year of medical school. I was in a boring miserable job at the university treading water until we could leave for residency. I was sewing a lot and had a small business making tote and messenger bags. Dh was doing surgery research at the medical school and trying to keep an 80's 'on its last legs, dies every time you drive it' car. It's hard to believe it's been 10years!
          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


          • #20
            10 years ago I was a freshman in college, practicing all. The. Time. It was around this time that I realized I would not be transferring to a bible college and was starting to get the first hints that I didn't even believe at all anymore. But for the most i was just setting the patterns for all of my years in school: leave at 7 am, go to classes, practice, come home around midnight exhausted, fall asleep and do it so over again the next day


            • #21
              Wow, 10 yrs ago we were in Zanesville, Ohio with our 2 girls then 4 and 7 (the good years) and DH was an attending at the trauma center in Columbus. I thought things were as good as it was going to get. Big house, a couple of cars and our 1st trip to Italy and about 20lbs lighter. I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life personally but I had plenty of energy.

              Fast forward, now on the coast of Florida, hubby runs 2 ERs, we go to Italy every year, the girls are teens (someone give me strength or Xanax)and I'm heavier with no energy. I figure one day I will figure out what to do with myself. Don't even want to think about 10 years from now.


              • #22
                10 years ago I was a newlywed, about to graduate vet school with huge dreams for the future (maybe it wasn't exactly like that - it's all in the archives here). Am I living the life I planned? Close, just without the husband.
                Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                • #23
                  Ten years ago dh and I had been married 12 years, we had four kiddos ages 10-2, and we were in what we thought would be our forever home. He was MS4 and I was in charge of a lab in Nutitional Sciences (aka: lab mom) seriously considering a PhD or possibly even an MD/PhD. About six months later I left my job as it was clear dh would not be available during residency, my dad was diagnosed with AD, and I was needed at home. Several years later my former boss came to my fathers funeral and gave me a huge hug and said how proud she was of me for stepping away from career and being there for my family. It really meant a lot coming from her.

                  We had no idea what the job would look like or even an inkling he would be MFM because Gyn/Onc was the initial plan. We do feel infinitely blessed with how things worked out and are looking forward to the next ten years!!
                  Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                  • #24
                    My earlier post got halfway deleted via Tapatalk. Grr.

                    DH and I were 1 year into a long distance high school relationship. (HS Jrs.) We were both studying our asses off for the PSAT so we could get full rides to OU and go to college together easily. We didn't say we for sure would get married, but both strongly suspected and hoped for it. DH was thinking about a future in Dental, then Medical school.

                    I'm happy with where we are now. I got everything I wanted and more.
                    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                    • #25
                      10 years ago I was a sophomore in college. I hadn't yet met DH. While I was studying to become a teacher, I fully expected to become, and saw myself in ten years as being, a SAHM. I have to say that I would have been surprised to see who I married and to see that we don't have kids and I'm the bread-winner of the family at this point.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.


                      • #26
                        Five years married, a 4 year old, a 3 year old and one on the way. DW was sitting her Royal College exams and I was struggling. Small house, lots of hours alone with kids too few opportunities to be anything more than a dad.

                        10 years down the line it was totally worth it. Kids are great, secure, confident and funny and DW is balancing work/life brilliantly again.

                        Using Tapatalk


                        • #27
                          10 years ago DH was CA-1 and HATING his program. He was questioning his choice of career and specialty almost daily. I was working in the liquor industry in a job I loved (that hasn't turned toxic yet). We were living in the Bronx and still loving NYC.

                          Now DH is very happy with his choice of career and can't imagine doing anything else. I'm still coming to terms with being a SAHM to two. We're now in a semi-rural PA and loving the mellow life pace. I didn't have an exact plan back then but ok with how things turned out.

                          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk


                          • #28
                            Who were you 10 years ago? What would you have thought of present self/present life? Would you recognize yourself? Your spouse? Is there anything you wish hadn't changed? Any changes for the better?

                            10 years ago I was teaching at our local university. It's a job that I had put a lot of effort into getting and I was pretty happy with it. I didn't know that things would be tossed on their head within a year or so when I got pregnant with Zoe/got cancer/left the job. I imagined that I would be in that job for a pretty long time. Although I still had dreams of breaking free and going to med school, deep down I knew that wasn't going to happen and I was trying to make peace with it.

                            I would have been really happy about my present self and present life. My marriage is so much stronger, I'm much more confident and settled as a mom, and I'm going after a dream as best I can. I think 10 year older me would be proud of current day me.

                            Would I recognize myself? Not really. I'm a much harder, stronger person to day than I used to be. I have learned how to stand my ground and express my needs/feelings and that's something I couldn't do then. My spouse? No. He has gone from being very career oriented to focusing on family and our marriage. Obviously, he cares about his career still, but today his marriage and family are #1 and #2. That's a huge change.

                            Is there anything I wish hadn't changed? Meh. Sometimes I wish I hadn't left the University and was still there teaching. I crave a feeling of competence and some sort of professional life and I don't have it. I feel completely incompetent in my new endeavor. Damn the cancer. Damn what it brought me .... though it wasn't all bad. I grew a lot from the experience too.

                            Changes for the better? I'm more confident in many ways, more relaxed, happier .... I take better care of myself. I'm a better version of myself for sure. The path .. has been a tough one.

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #29
                              What a thought-provoking topic! Ten years ago I was in grad school. I was a few months away from meeting my husband. I was dating bad boys, partying hard, cultivating a little life for myself in a charming little apartment. It's easy to romanticize my youth, but I know I was scared and lonely. Wish I had known how it would all turn out! I think I would have been really happy to see this present self. I certainly would have been delighted by the kids, the career, the friends and family-- though probably not surprised. I would be shocked and thrilled to learn the identity of my husband. I can't say my marriage is exactly what I would have dreamed, but I don't suppose many 20-somethings with a dating history that emphasized quantity over quality can really grasp what it means to marry.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by poky View Post
                                Get.Out! My mom WENT to that high school! I remember going along with her to the big final "reunion" thing before they closed it as a school.
                                My grandmother went there too!!!

