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How did you meet your spouse/SO?

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  • How did you meet your spouse/SO?

    We celebrated our tenth anniversary this summer, and I laughed as I remembered when I first met DH. I definitely didn't picture him as my future DH!

    We lived in the same freshman dorm, he in the floor above me. I didn't give him a second look with his long shoulder-length hair, oft-worn Mexican poncho and jeans, and his penchant for playing his electric guitar very loudly along with his favorite band Rush. My roommates and I would pound on the ceiling to get him to turn down the music. We were friends for a while, and when he cut his hair sophomore year, I saw the light. We've been together ever since. did you meet your spouse/SO?
    Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins

  • #2
    We met in 6th grade, and had every class together in 7th. He was kind of an overweight nerdy kid that liked heavy metal music. His sense of humor made us best friends and we started dating in college....I think the turning point was somewhere towards the end of high school....
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      OK, I'll chime in too. My story might be a bit long but it doesn't compare to the stories in the "when did you meet your SO?" thread.

      We met at breakfast during orientation week in college. He was single and I was dating someone. One of the girls in the group commented that "he thinks he's God's gift to women." We still laugh about that. In any case, we became friends and he later dated some girl for a few months. It was during that time that I broke up with my then boyfriend (long story, he was really a louzy boyfriend) and became interested in him. Bad timing. His relationship didn't last but by then I had already gone back to my ex. Bad timing again. Well, 6 months later it was all over and we started dating. To this day I still wonder what would've happened if we'd had better timing.
      IM PGY-2


      • #4
        Originally posted by MissCrabette
        My story might be a bit long but it doesn't compare to the stories in the "when did you meet your SO?" thread.
        Whoops, sorry...I didn't see this thread -- I wouldn't have started this one.
        Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins


        • #5
          DH and I met while working in a toy store in nyc. I was between moving to nyc and going back to university and he was fresh to the US working odd jobs after finishing college in Ireland. He wasn't med-centered yet, that came a year and a half later after deciding on needing a career change and we came up with medicine. We started dating a few weeks after meeting, and now we've been together 9 1/2 years.
          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


          • #6
            Where in Ireland did your DH go to college Ides?

            DH and I met in my local pub in Ireland Oct 2004. He was in his final year of med school. I was a bit doubtful when he asked me out because of the 9 1/2 year age gap but we went to dinner and we hit it off right away. I knew right from the start that he would be moving back to the States. The following April, he asked me to go with him. I got a student visa and went over for five months. It was an amazing five months (despite his work schedule). Then my visa was up and it was time to leave. We didn't really know what to do, just knew that we wanted to be together.

            So, I left and went back to Ireland. It was the longest two months of my life. I missed him so much. We decided that I would visit for a couple of months and we'd apply for a fiancee visa. I flew back to the States and well, he wasn't gonna let me leave again. Two weeks later he proposed. Three weeks after that we got married and we haven't been apart since.[/quote]
            Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
            Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


            • #7
              My partner and I met in undergrad, at a student retreat. I saw her and immediately knew I liked her A LOT. After many hit and misses, we finally started dating a few months later. Eight years later, after three attempts at wedding planning, we finally got married last May. Now we started first year of residency while I'm finishing up my graduate work.


              • #8
                I was an RN in the ER, SO was a Doctor in the hospital we both worked in in Dublin, he used to come down when he had surgical referrals AND when he had none or had free time and he would just stand there watching everything going on, I would always finish what i was doing and chat to him, I assumed he'd have a girlfriend/wife or wouldn't be interested in my as I had a baby at the time (he's now a big boy,not a baby!) and he assumed because i had a baby I had a SO/husband, I did a little dirt digging and found out he was single, so I pluck up the courage to ask him out. We met up the night I was going to a black tie ball, We were to met for drinks before hand (he wasn't going) and a small bit to eat, I made sure i was wearing a dress to die for and it was worth it to see his jaw drop, I went off to the ball, he text me through it and after 4 hours there i left, he'd been waiting for me in a near bye cafe the whole time, the rest is history.


                • #9
                  I sound like a commerical LOL

                  I met my hubby on Eharmony. We only lived about 6 minutes apart, he actually lived two houses from a good friend. There was a bit of mix up on our first date, but eventually we got around to the first date.. It was history from that moment on.
                  Cheryl~wife to MS3 and Mommy to our two beautiful daughters...



                  • #10
                    Met DW on a canoe trip with about 100 alums from our undergrad university. Turns out, I was going back to same school for law school and she was going to start her second year of med school there. So, after a few months of school, I got rid of a girl I was seeing and then started things up with DW. That was 3.5 years ago.
                    Husband of an amazing female physician!


                    • #11
             8) Had to do the LDR thing for a while which was tough, but wow am I grateful for the internet!


                      • #12
                        We were an internet couple, too. ( before the days of

                        I stalked him until he caved.



                        • #13
                          In Germany.

                          I was visiting friends and a boyfriend in Germany over a summer in college. My boyfriend at the time DIDN'T pick me up from the train station. I only had my future dh's phone number (we had never met, but it was an emergency number).

                          He came to the station, picked me up and took me back to his place so that we could try to call my boyfriend (the now ex-boyfriend), who never called us back--the days before cell phones... I ended up spending the night at my dh's studio. I slept in long pants and a t-shirt in 90-degree weather. I wasn't going to have this weirdo making a move on me.

                          To this day, dh and I talk about how I should have booked a hotel room because we wouldn't want our daughter staying at a perfect stranger's house.

                          After 3 days, dh and I were dating! Needless to say, I didn't see much of my other friends in other parts of Germany, and spent beautiful, sunny, coastal Germany days with this new love of mine.
                          married to an anesthesia attending


                          • #14
                            We met in the hospital (big surprise). I workend in the ER and Eddoscopy and he is critical care/pulmonary.
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #15
                              We crossed paths many times before actually dating. We were in the same grade school, sang in the same choir, went to the same undergrad university, at times lived walking distance from each other. Our families were in different social circles though. We didn't start dating until the end of undergad. Obviously we're from the same hometown. Thankfully he saw the light and decided to go for a practical, regular girl instead of those darn, rich supermodels surrounding us.

