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How did you meet your spouse/SO?

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  • #16
    I met my SO via my ex/his ex-friend. Long story, but it has all worked out in the end!


    • #17
      sp2809- my dh went to Trinity for Philosophy and Lit. He was born and raised in Dublin. Luckly for me, we got married early enough that I was able to go thu the citizenship process, so I am now legally Irish too.
      Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


      • #18
        I met my DH freshman year in college (12 years ago--gosh, I'm getting old!) playing on a co-ed softball team. He was throwing a ball with my roommate, she turned her head, and the ball hit her and broke her nose. So, we spent some time in the ER with her, and got to know each other. We started dating a few months later, after we both ended relationships with other people. 12 years later, we still play softball, but no more broken noses!


        • #19
          When we were both 18 and at a college dance club. DH told my roommate (not knowing she was my roommate) that he thought I was hot! He then gave her his number for me to call and make the first move which, of course, I did. Here we are 14 years and 4 kids later. I wonder if he still thinks I'm hot.


          • #20
            Would you like some fresh coffee???

            Met my beloved hubby when he was an intern going through Internal Medicine as I was a nurse there.....he loves to tell people how I took advantage of a fatigued and stressed out poor ole' intern......I actually offered him a fresh pot of coffee in the middle of the night and the rest is "happily ever after" (despite residency!)....... :---


            • #21
              DH's sister and I were good friends and she told him that she had met the perfect girl for him because I had been trekking in Nepal (he loves rockclimbing/mountain climbing etc) so he came to an evening gettogether one night and met me. I don't remember meeting him, but when he moved states to go to my university we struck up a friendship and Kapow! that was it. We knew pretty soon we were meant for each other.


              • #22
                My future husband and I were both bio majors and had class together. The bio teacher liked to pick on me and ask me questions which, of course, I never knew the answer to. My SO sat in front of me and would wisper the answers to me (obviosly he's the one in med schoo)!!

                That's how we first met but the real beginning of our relationship is much more romantic. We were freshman in college and my SO and his roomate were having a party in their room. It took him almost all night but finally (after he had drunk enough to work up the nerve) he asked me to be his beer pong partener. The rest is history!!

                Now that's a story to tell our grandchildren!!!!!


                • #23
                  Her roommate was the captain of the rowing club I coached. They both came to a halloween party my roommates and I threw, we talked for a couple minutes, but I had to play host and some dude in bunny ears was hitting on her. Then a few weeks later, I managed to muster up the courage to exploit the rowing team phone list and call her.

                  It turns out her roommate had made some noises about how we should date, so when I called she thought it was a gag.

                  She was the first girl I ever cold-called like that though. I was (and am) just that crazy for her!
                  - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                  • #24
                    It was our destiny. 8)
                    We met on the first day of a biology lab class during undergrad. It was a class section for 400 students and I went to the wrong room on the wrong floor on the first day. Ironically, the wrong class was also a lab class that started at the exact same time as the one I was registered for. I didn't realize it until 3 weeks later when the TA told me "Oh, you were supposed to be on the 5th floor in another class, but because this class is the same, I already switched you to this section." Don't know how I made that mistake, but it changed my life!

                    It was love at first site!


                    • #25
                      AP Biology Lab in high school. When two nerds collide....
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #26
                        Who knew biology class was so romantic?


                        • #27
                          here's one I haven't seen anyone else claim yet... we met while we were teaching in Central Asia...


                          • #28
                            He loves to tell people that I picked him up at a martini bar....sort of did. I was dating someone else, but felt like I had known Mike my whole life just by looking up at him (he's 6'6) I spent an hour grilling him on where he had lived. worked every friend he had ever had etc. Still don't know where I knew him from but we ended up on a date and have never looked back!


                            • #29
                              This is a cut and paste from another thread in Marriage Matters:
                              __________________________________________________ _____

                              Three days before my third year of law school began, I returned from an internship abroad. I had been conscientiously single for a year and a half. Considering that I was a single female working on three different military installations, this was tantamount to declaring myself a nun. I had a post graduation job lined up (a three year Army commitment as a JAG officer) and I was looking forward to skating through my final year of law school.

                              My friends called and said that there was a new pub in town and that they were going out. DH's best friend and roommate made him go out with so that he could meet some girl he had met the night before.

                              Also at this pub was my former aerobics instructor and a classmate of DH's. DH was dutifully drinking his beer alone while his roommate pursued his chica. Aerobics instructor declared, "you owe me BIG time, I'm about to hook you up". Aerobics instructor then came to me and said, "This guy who plays hockey where we do aerobics saw you in my class and wants to meet you." Um. Okay. Whatever.

                              We met and spent three hours laughing our heads off. We didn't stop to go pee, check on our friends, or get another beer. When his friends came to get him, he was all nervous and said "maybe I'll see you around". No phone number or email address given. Prideful old me, I wasn't about to give him mine.

                              The following Monday he appeared outside of step aerobics to say hi before his hockey practice. I just about killed myself tripping over the step. After I walked out, he said hi and gave me his phone number on a piece of Paper which advertised Prozac. (How very appropriate.)

                              We talked on the phone a lot. At first, he just wanted to meet out with friends to play darts and the like. I was getting ready to tell him, "Hey, this is fun and all, but I have enough friends" when he asked me out on a real date. We had a ball. He was even a good sport about going out with me and my girlfriends on Halloween when we dressed as the Spice Girls. (Baby Spice, in case you were wondering).

                              Within two weeks of officially dating, he told his mom that he had met the girl that he was going to marry. We were living together by Christmas and talking marriage and four kids. We talked about a May 2000 wedding, after his med school graduation. In June 1999, we got pregnant and opted for an intimate, beautiful ceremony in August instead. It actually worked out better this way because our son was born in February and our families got to know him before we moved so far away. We couldn't guarantee that the Match and the Army would be kind to us, so I declined my commission and searched for a new job for the 9 months of his last year of medical school.

                              I guess this story falls under the guise of make a plan and God will laugh. All is well that ends well and I'm glad that I've taken this adventure.
                              __________________________________________________ _

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                              • #30
                                We met on

