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The "I Hates" Thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by jesher
    gee ... we're a bitter bunch. this thread filled out pretty quickly! :!
    I literally just said that out loud to SO...

    He is adding:
    - bad drivers
    - studying
    - cleaning up dog pee
    - boring lecturers
    - studying
    - dirty house
    - dog hair
    - laundry
    - studying...

    (unfortunately, the dog and house references are for MY dog and MY house )


    • #32
      A few of my dislikes-

      Rude people
      Whiney kids
      Paris Hilton

      oh and that you can't pump your own gas in OR!

      Gas, and 4 kids


      • #33
        Originally posted by cricketnmatt
        oh and that you can't pump your own gas in OR!
        That used to drive me nuts. But now I'm used to it and end up sitting in my car for a while, waiting for service!, when I'm in WA.

        Paris Hilton. That's a good one. Have you checked out her new album?


        • #34
          I truly HATE the fact that I made an interview blunder today and mistakenly asked my interviewer (and future to-be-boss), "How far along are you?" and she replied, "Um, I'm not pregnant, that's just fat (HaHaHa)!"

          NEVER EVER will I EVER ask another woman a question regarding her reproductive status....


          • #35
            Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb


            Since we just moved 2 months ago and I am still suffering from PTMD: post traumatic moving disorder, I would have to say moving is my number 1 hatred right now. I have many, many shameful others but they since they all evolved because of the surgery lifestyle I have to say:

            I HATE SURGERY!!!!!!!!!! ::


            • #36
              Couldn't resist.....

              -The fact that our 10 year old son tries to grow new kinds of mold in milk cups (seriously) and only assists the growth of maggots, GAG!!!
              - The stress of fellowship details even though it's still another year away!
              -Fruit flies.......
              -changing to go somewhere (because I smell like baby spit up) and picking up the baby to leave only to get ed on AGAIN.....
              -the fact that I go anyway, too lazy to change again


              • #37
                We've successfully grown some, uh, really cool mold in our milk cups. Should I send them to your son?


                • #38
                  I hate people who can't/won't empathize.
                  I hate surgery.
                  I hate residency.
                  I hate bills.
                  I hate credit.
                  I hate stupidity.
                  I hate red tape.
                  I hate South Carolina education/ too much homework.
                  I hate my stupid job.
                  I hate the inventor of permanent markers. Yes, there was another incident involving my comforter and sheets. It appears that it may wash out. How we missed locking all of them up and she found one, I will never know. The crib rail is back on her crib, and she is napping in jail for the near future.
                  I hate being hungry.
                  I hate shoes and socks.
                  I hate plus size clothing.
                  I hate reruns on t.v.
                  I hate my ILs.
                  I hate gift expectations.
                  I hate hiccups.
                  I hate that my linoleum is peeling.
                  I hate bugs.
                  I hate call.
                  I hate dogs.

                  That's it for now. It's a short list, I know, but I will spare the pages of nastiness that I could spew.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #39
                    I hate finding good jeans.
                    I hate trying to find a new stylist.
                    I hate my last "first lady" haircut.
                    I hate having to work.
                    I hate bills.
                    I hate debt.
                    I hate loans.
                    I hate paying for the stupidity of my college youth. (i.e. credit cards)
                    I hate my car.
                    I hate not having credit cards anymore.
                    I hate not having laundry.
                    I hate not having storage.
                    I hate not having a dishwasher.
                    I hate working.
                    I hate crazy girl.
                    I hate working out (but...)
                    I hate not looking like I used to.

                    *sigh* I need to go home. I'm tired. I'm always tired.


                    • #40
                      I hate not being able to get anything done.

                      I hate that my ILs are coming in 5 days.


                      • #41
                        Where to start!
                        I hate debt.
                        I hate rats or any rodent-like creatures (squirrels included).
                        I hate grasshoppers.
                        I hate it when I accidentally inflict pain on myself (paper cuts, banging into sharp corners, etc.)
                        I hate hangovers.
                        I hate putting laundry away.
                        I hate it when produce, meat, or dairy products expire before I use them.
                        I hate litter and graffiti.
                        I hate it when a child cops an attitude (especially my own).
                        I hate dealing with the aftermath of a bedwetting episode.
                        Awake is the new sleep!


                        • #42
                          Strike an item from my list. The box spring is gone!


                          • #43
                            I hate the #(*$(&#($ God complex that these dawkter-to-be's get! It's not all about you! Argh.... :|


                            • #44
                              Strike an item from my list. The box spring is gone!
                              Nellie, Nellie, happiness in the bitter troll thread!!

                              = Good

                              = Bad

                              (But, congratulations on the box spring. Go Craigs List!)
                              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                              • #45
                                Sorry. I failed this thread. I should have started a new one.

