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The "I Hates" Thread

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  • #46
    I'll play

    I'm in NJ too and I hate jughandles too!

    I hate debt
    I hate bills
    I hate bill collectors
    I hate stupid people
    I hate call
    I hate having to be at work at 7am
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #47
      I hate debt. It's such a fact of life that it didn't occur to me.
      I hate blind followers of anything / anyone. Make your OWN decisions.
      I hate 95% of medicine.
      I hate the reaction I get w/people hear my husband is a doctor.
      I hate cleaning.


      • #48
        I hated it when my husband was deployed to Iraq and I was feeling absolutely miserable, hated my job, and separated not only from my hubby, but family too due to being forced to live in a state I absolutely detested b/c it was far away from my "home" and then my sensitive girlfriend constantly bragged about how "fabulous" her life was w/ her dh.....she's ALWAYS bragging about how "perfect" her life if she's overcompensating to cover up, I'm not the jealous type, but COME ON......can we PLEASE talk about something else other than how "perfect" your husband is, how "perfect" your diamond ring is (it's "JLo sized")......and what a "perfect" life you have....I GET IT already! Then she wonders why she has a very hard time keeping long term friendships (especially w/ gal pals), HELLO! Maybe if you would STOP talking about yourself then it would be easier to keep your friends.

        Thank you all for listening.....just wanted to add how it sucks to be moving every couple of years due to military, residency, blah blah blah, and I would like to be settled into a home and NEVER have to move again...UGH! The lonliness and isolation from living in a new state w/o a good support system is getting to me I guess....... BREATHE.......1-2-3

        - rn_trying to be happy


        • #49
          Moving does top the list of suckage.

          I moved here about 2 years ago now and I think I whined endlessly for the first 18 mos. I was miserable. I'm happier now, but I can still hark back to that easily. I don't think it's the new place is all the things I had to leave behind. I miss all the "lives" I've created in each location. It's very hard to keep seeing it as an adventure.

          (And I'd have to put having your husband shipped out WAY above suckage.....that's just horror. I don't know how you military spouses do it. Kudos. )
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #50
            -tension amongst dear friends
            -people who whine about their circumstances but don't have the balls to effectuate real change (Oh wait, that's me).
            -student loans

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #51
              Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
              -tension amongst dear friends
              -people who whine about their circumstances but don't have the balls to effectuate real change (Oh wait, that's me).
              -student loans


              I like your list


              • #52
                This is too easy...I'll try to keep it short

                I hate my body
                I hate that I don't have my body of a year ago
                I hate that I don't get along with my IL's
                I hate working
                I hate not knowing what the future will bring
                I hate not having enough money
                I hate the smell of NYC on a warm (or cold) day
                I hate some of DH's classmates that now live in our apt. building
                I hate hating things

                Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!

