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What kind of creative stuff do you do for fun?

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  • What kind of creative stuff do you do for fun?

    I love arts and crafts. And I love drawing and painting. I wondered what kinds of creative stuff you all enjoy doing. How/when do you make time for your creative pursuits? Is it something you do regularly?

    Are there other ways that you nurture your creativity?

  • #2
    I was always a very creative person and for the past two years, didn't do anything in the way of arts and crafts. I just started a job in photography and I love it. I would never have thought of doing it as a job but I decided to give it a try. I can't believe that I neglected my creative side for so long. It's challenging, imaginative and very theraputic. I plan do do photography as a hobby (once I get a good camera) and take up painting again.
    Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
    Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


    • #3
      I cook (when I have a kitchen bigger than a shoebox) and I knit.

      I just started knitting this summer and it's completely addicting. I'm making myself a sweater/jacket since you don't need much in the way of cold weather gear in South Texas. It does get wet and chilly though.



      • #4
        I have an undergrad degree in architecture and I can say that I have a pretty artistic bent...I doodle ALL the time, especially at work when I am stressed out, and since my profession no longer involves the arts, I need a release for all the pent up creativity

        Have intentions of doing a certificate course in Interior Design and want to pursue it more as a hobby, not as a profession...


        • #5
          I am an intermediate knitter and a novice handspinner, though I seldom feel the muse for fiber arts in the heat. I've got a cross-stitch embroidery project in the works (over-one on 28 ct linen in finely shaded neutrals...I can do about 20 stitches at a time without my eyes crossing!) I am the proud owner of a new sewing machine with which I've made one crappy set of curtains and am working on doing a less-crappy job on a ring sling for my baby.

          I so seldom make time for any of it though. I'd like to work on my sling tonight, but only if I get myself and the pets fed before DH gets home...


          • #6
            Hah, Lily, we posted at the same time. My project is a The Silver Lining Pansy,

            Is the angel a Mirabilia design?


            • #7
              Gotta tell you Lily .... cross stitch is so diametrically the opposite of your current avatar ... it just cracks me up! Stitch on, girl!


              • #8
                Lily I have always wanted beautiful cross-stitched stockings for my family, but it is so hard to find ones without Santa or Angels!

                Great work!
                Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                • #9
                  Someday (probably when I'm retired) I'll pick up cooking for fun again. I'd love to travel and take some intensive cooking courses and learn lots of regional cuisines and wines.
                  That is on my wish list too. I'll go with you! I'm sure hoping it happens before retirement. I'm thinking cooking classes in Napa or Italy for a milestone birthday or anniversary.

                  Cooking and baking is my creative outlet and its something I have to balance. I can get a little frustrated when I don't get the kitchen to myself or get interrupted. Silly expectation with two kids and the early evening witching hour. Mostly it works though. Everyone needs to eat and I don't mind feeding them especially when they indulge my experiments.

                  I also really like to do watercolor painting. DH gave me a beautiful portable easel 3 years ago that sits in the attic. I have no room for it in the house. I want to start taking classes again and have some devoted time to paint. The thing is, I'm not that great at it but that is good too because it helps me just enjoy the process and not the end product.


                  • #10
                    I was pretty amused by the idea of a cross-stitching vampire as well.

                    I love arts and crafts. I sew (I did all of our curtains, finally, and when a neighbor saw them she begged me to do hers as well) lots of bags and purses which are pretty popular. I knit. Lots of sweaters for DD, since they aren't as big as adult sizes 8) , mittens, hats, socks, blankets, stuffed animals. Sometimes I dye my own yarn. I paint, mostly with watercolors. I've sold a few, but I completely do it for myself. I love to take pictures, and usually the pictures I take find their way into my paintings. And I love throwing pots, though that hobby is pretty expensive and since we moved for residency, I haven't found a place affordable enough to do it.

                    I love making stuff.


                    • #11
                      I love to cook as well, and I find time to do it a lot. Gee, I wonder how I gained all my weight?

                      Somehow it's the other hobbies and outlets that fell by the wayside, but cooking and baking I always make time for.
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        I like to cook when I have time to do it right. I used to cross-stitch a lot but haven't done anything lately. DH wants some new scrub caps so that will probably be the next project since I have given up on scrapbooking and am now back to regular old caption albums.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          I spent a bit in Italy last summer. I plan on retiring there and the Italian people are the most fun-loving spirited people I have ever seen. I have so many beautiful stories. The experience was... amazing. Here are a few of my photos, but you can see a few more (not nearly all of them though) here:

                          Monterosso, Italy

                          San Marco and the pigeons!

                          Vernazza from the hiking trail


                          • #14
                            Stop, Stella!

                            I've been dreaming of Italy lately, mostly Sienna and Florence. I think it's a message from God.


                            • #15
                              I like to sew. I make all my skirts and bags and am working on hand piecing a cathedral windows quilt that will take another few years to finnish . It's pretty though. I also like to bake, but haven't and don't currently have the space to do so. Also, if I baked as much as I'd like to, I'd turn into a wallrus since I don't have people to feed other than DH and I. My favorite things to bake are bread, fruit pies, fruit crisp's and cookies.
                              Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

