The holiday party here is casual and LAME. The dept swings for what looks to be about 250 bucks worth of catered food and has it sent over to one of the residents house. The kids run amuck and the party winds down around 9 PM. Oh- and they give all the residents a night off (until midnight only), and kindly volunteer the fellows to take all calls
A big change from where DH did his residency program. It was a swanky affair at a very formal location with good food and an open bar. I have yet to go anywhere in Iowa where jeans weren't part of the dress code, so I don't know why I am surprised it is so different.

A big change from where DH did his residency program. It was a swanky affair at a very formal location with good food and an open bar. I have yet to go anywhere in Iowa where jeans weren't part of the dress code, so I don't know why I am surprised it is so different.