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College Basketball

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  • #31
    AWESOME GAME last night!!!!



    • #32
      Absolutely awesome game. If Sean Singletary had a better supporting cast around him (esp. a solid frontcourt player) IMHO he would have a very good shot at the Wooden Award.

      Here is a link to the game:

      P.S. Special thanks to John Paul Jones -- major hedge-fund king -- and alum who dropped so much cash for the incredible new arena.

      Can you tell I'm excited? I wore my Virginia belt and baseball cap to work today.

      P.P.S. Rumor has it that Dook tore up the visiting locker rooms at JPJ. I hope that's not true.


      • #33
        Originally posted by uvagradk
        P.P.S. Rumor has it that Dook tore up the visiting locker rooms at JPJ. I hope that's not true.
        Better not be true! I looooove JPJ - that's where we are going to see Blue Man Group!

        I am giddy excited about our Hoos! Maybe we'll get to the NCAA now?


        • #34
          Maybe we'll get to the NCAA now?
          I hope so. I think to make that an absolute lock, we need to at least split with VA Tech (face them twice before ACC tournament) and beat everyone else.

          I'd like us to be in a position to get a bye in the first round of the ACC tournament. That would mean two things -- that we'd have probably done what I noted above and we'd be more fresh in the ACC tournament. And being more fresh in the ACC tournament, means we wouldn't be burnt out going in to the first round of the big dance.

          Our stars -- Sean and J.R. log so many minutes on the court every game which could become a serious liability for us. Case in point, J.R. was on the floor with leg cramps last night.

          P.S. A special note to Len Elmore providing commentary last night. Get your eyes checked ... McLure's over-the-back mugging to get the ball on a rebound...showed again on replay was not evidence of his moxy or how valuable he is to was evidence that Dook (often, not as bad as it usually is) gets to play by different rules.........


          • #35
            Originally posted by uvagradk
            Our stars -- Sean and J.R. log so many minutes on the court every game which could become a serious liability for us. Case in point, J.R. was on the floor with leg cramps last night.

            P.S. A special note to Len Elmore providing commentary last night. Get your eyes checked ... McLure's over-the-back mugging to get the ball on a rebound...showed again on replay was not evidence of his moxy or how valuable he is to was evidence that Dook (often, not as bad as it usually is) gets to play by different rules.........
            I KNOW! SO was jumping around and cursing and yelling. I had to remind him I had neighbors. But in the end, we won. :>

            I hope J.R. can pull through. He probably had a charlie horse last night, and those things hurt for hours. I hope we can pull through. And we had BETTER beat VT.

            (Notice there are no VT alums on the doctor board... :> )

