I met a lady on the weekend who was close to her due date, and after talking a little while, I learned that this baby was to come only 11 months after her first. It got me to thinking about my own situation. Although I respect other people's decisions and keep my own opinions to myself, and as passionately as I love my daughter, I know that there was no way in hell that I could have even considered the idea of another pregnancy so soon after the first one. Obviously her experience must have been more positive than my own.
I know I've mentioned here before the traumatic experience I had with DD's birth, which pretty much put me off the idea of pregnancy again, ever!
But obviously different people have completely different experiences. Personally I felt drained, scared and exhausted. I hated the limitations that pregnancy imposed, and that it took me so long to recover from the birth, as the result of a c-section and blood loss on top of such a long and intense labour. I know that DH being in the middle of study for fellowship exams at the time was a strong contributing factor to my slow recovery - I got very little sleep as I had to look after everything on my own. I had mastitis 13 times, probably due to all the stress and tiredness, but persisted with breastfeeding anyway. I also developed a hernia during pregnancy, which I had to have surgery for later. That condition prevented me from exercising sufficiently for quite some time, meaning that it took me a full 18 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. And now, it seems that I've developed some kind of thyroid/hormonal problem as a result of the pregnancy. I'm getting quite annoyed with the way it's all dragging on, and in some respects resent the effects that it's had on my previously healthy, fit and surgically un-retouched body!
So it's got me to wondering - just how standard (or unusual) was my experience? I've heard that it takes around two years for a woman to get completely back to normal - that strikes me not only as true in my case, but also as a huge imposition on the body. So what about you - did pregnancy and childbirth have a negative effect on your health, or did you bounce back quickly and ready for more?!
I know I've mentioned here before the traumatic experience I had with DD's birth, which pretty much put me off the idea of pregnancy again, ever!

So it's got me to wondering - just how standard (or unusual) was my experience? I've heard that it takes around two years for a woman to get completely back to normal - that strikes me not only as true in my case, but also as a huge imposition on the body. So what about you - did pregnancy and childbirth have a negative effect on your health, or did you bounce back quickly and ready for more?!