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Fitness/Weightloss 2013

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  • Today's CrossFit WOD

    Warm up - 2 rounds of:
    7 ea. GHD
    7 ea. kettle bell swings
    7 ea. sit-ups

    AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 12 minutes

    10 push-ups
    10 ring rows
    10 squats

    I petered out at about 6 rounds.


    • RE: Silliness in workouts.

      This is what I like about my yoga class as well. The teachers I like best are all about trying crazy stuff and not feeling limited. We are always trying to hit the handstands in the chatarunga flow and there is usually some wacky arm balance thrown in as a "breather" from the flow here and there. Also, two inversion periods for headstands, handstands or forearm balances. It's taught in a padded room and the teachers are always like "What's the worst that can happen? You fall down? That's a sign of courage." It's a great environment. Doesn't hurt that it's usually dark w/candles around and they play loud MC Yogi raps and most people have just had a few cups of coffee or tea before they've walked in the door.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • Casey, I tried burpees today and wanted to die after 10.


        • We are doing a biggest loser competition at work. And the winner gets a grand. It is based on body fat, so I may have a chance. But it is going to take alot
          Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


          • I've reached my goal weight. I'm not sure I'm going to stay here though. I think I could lose a few more pounds when I look in the mirror.

            Counting calories was the biggest factor in losing the weight. And I'm getting pretty used to being down at 1400-1500 a day. I'm rather hungry at meal time...but tolerably ok the rest of the day.

            I've lost my boobs though. And I'm struggling a bit with that. I used to be pretty busty and now? Nothing. Adding in the postpartum pouch that seems determined to stay and I'm having an adjustment period with my new "shape." I am still kinda hoping that exercise and diet will eventually help, but I'm doubtful.
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • I'm sorry you're not happy with your shape but congrats on getting to your goal weight!! That's a major accomplishment!

              I'm not happy with my post partum boobs either. I'm probably 5 lbs lighter than pre pregnancy and they look like sad deflated sacks. Tiny sad deflated sacks in fact. I don't think there's anything I can do short of a boob job so I just wear padded bras to balance my hips and go from there.
              Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
              Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


              • I'll third the boobs, I didn't have much to start with and post bf'ing/pumping they are gone. I can't get rid of my postpartum belly either. I can see myself slimming down nicely with my running but the belly is still there.

                Good for you for hitting your goal!
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • Congrats Michele! That's awesome!


                  • Eeek... After dropping over 10 lbs since my highest weight last summer, I hopped on the scale yesterday to discover I've gained 5 back in like 2 weeks! What is going on!!! I'm mentally committing to finding a new hot yoga studio after we move, but that's in 8-10 weeks. It's the only workout I've ever been able to stick with for an extended period of time... I enjoyed spin classes OK but cancelled my gym membership when we had only one car and I couldn't get there. So I am currently without gym membership and it just snowed like 6 inches outside. I'm going to start with trying to eat MORE vegetables, since that tends to naturally decrease my unhealthy eating. If we can get an apartment nailed down soon, and thus an address, I'm going to sign up for a CSA share that starts the week after we move so we have lots of fresh veggies coming our way.

                    Here's my question -- when do you all fit in exercise? I find that when I do it after work I have to make super-fast dinners, which tend to be less healthy. When I have more time to cook, I don't make as much pasta and other high-calorie foods. I'm a giant wimp about mornings, but that seems to be the answer now that we have 2 cars again. One of the yoga studios I'm looking at has 6:15 am classes, so I could maybe get into that after the move. The local place doesn't do mornings, nor do they have a right-after-work class, so that still leaves me stuck for the next 10 weeks. I am not an independent exerciser... I really need classes and a good instructor. Ugh, I'm just feeling like the winter has gotten me. I'm just trying to wait it out until spring, move, and better things.
                    Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                    • I don't work, our kids are all in school, and we have an at-home gym so I can work out whenever I want. I still usually wait for DH to get home, though, so we can work out together. With his sports medicine stuff, it's like working out everyday with a personal trainer. That means we're frequently eating dinner around 8pm.


                      • When I worked, I went straight after work. Either to the gym on campus 2 minutes from my university office, or going home as quickly as possible and going on a bike ride. I'd grab maybe a Clif bar and go for 2-3 hours or so, either lifting then spin class, or riding solo or with DH, or riding with a group ride; then dinner would be as late as 8 and would be something simple like Trader Joe's frozen biryani, stir-fried up, or a salad with extra toppings, or the like. Yeah, starchy, but at the time I needed a starchy recovery meal to make up for the glycogen I was expending.


                        • I work out on my days off. I have Wednesday and weekends off (and some Fridays - but they were supposed to be for housework.). I go for two hours in the morning to the community gym and do the fitness classes. I pay extra for them and the childcare but it seems worth it right now. There is no way I could work out at home. I need the group classes to stay motivated.
                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • I downloaded the C25K app the other day because I've gotten pathetically out of shape again.

                            My goal is to run a 5K in the fall. I've been running on my super crappy treadmill, but it is hard to complete even a mile on it.

                            My rave is that I did week one yesterday and blew through it. Today I did week 3 and was feeling good enough to tack on an extra 6 minutes of running at the end.

                            Tomorrow, my goal is to do week 4, which seems like it will finally be a challenge.

                            I wish there was a way to continue running outdoors while the kids are here, the weather is PERFECT for running, it is in the mid 40's. Once they get back, I'll be using the treadmill again. I'm hoping that S might be able to keep up on her bike.


                            • @Sassy - I've come to realize how incredibly spoiled I am at my current yoga studio. They've got early morning classes three times a week and evening classes every day all week long. Since I WAH, I usually go to the 9:30 am classes and just work before that/after. If I'm extra busy, I hit the evening class at 7:30 that day instead. There's even a lunch class and a late afternoon class. So SPOILED! BUT, traveling and looking at studio schedules in the cities I've visited I've realized that isn't the norm! Seems like studios lean to morning or evening and often have a lot of down time.

                              When I didn't attend classes regularly or if I was in a place without that availability, I've always leaned towards exercise machines at home. I know you say you don't do that, but if you set up a regular time slot (usually with TV or reading time for me) you can make it a habit. It's much easier to have that new habit fit in to your life at an odd hour and you save the commuting time to a gym.

                              5 lbs will come off FAST. I promise. I probably gained that on the long weekend trip to Chicago we just made .....
                              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                              • Did a tabata workout today (and probably never again) but finally did normal pushups! I always did them on my knees before (probably go back to that again) but still proud.

