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Fitness/Weightloss 2013

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  • Originally posted by Curegirl View Post
    Did a tabata workout today (and probably never again) but finally did normal pushups! I always did them on my knees before (probably go back to that again) but still proud.
    I think tabata works so well - I do tabata barre classes and LOVE them. Don't give up on it

    Nice work on the pushups!


    • Ooh, what are tabata barre classes? And thanks!


      • It's really just barre tabata fusion.

        The fist half of class is generally more pure tabata - so like mountain climbers on glider things, squat jumps, burpees, etc. sometimes they incorporate the barre - floor taps, jumping lunges etc.

        Then the second half hour is usually toning legs/glutes at barre (sometimes with a Pilates ball), then arms (with or without barre, weights, resistance bands), and abs. They usually incorporate the tabata timing into the toning exercises too.

        Anyway - its a fantastic workout!


        • Tomorrow is my evaluation for an 8-week competition I'm in (GetFitChallenge) with my work out group. Last we tallied, I was in first place by 6 points. Tomorrow will be the determining factor, based on weight, measurements, and timed exercises. I'm sick, so I could use all the mojo you've got.
          (First place is a 90 minute deep tissue massage at this really nice spa).
          Adolescent me would never have even thought to attempt something like this, so no matter what, I'm very happy with what I've accomplished in the last 2 years.
          Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
          Professional Relocation Specialist &
          "The Official IMSN Enabler"


          • Go you!
            Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


            • Great job, 13!!! Good luck tomorrow!
              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


              • Thirteen, good luck! And JDAZ, oh dear that sounds intense...but the soreness feels good today so I'll give it another try next week


                • Measurements are the same, weight is up 8 oz (thanks, period!), but I improved dramatically in all areas of strength training and reps. Cardio is postponed until Friday, when we can go outside and run the mile. Our instructor is tallying up percentage improvements, so we'll see how I did. I think not losing any lbs. might hurt me, but I'm a slow-and-steady girl with weight loss... who's also on her period and sick as a dog.
                  Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                  Professional Relocation Specialist &
                  "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                  • Way to go, 13!!!


                    • I know there are other online yoga video sources out there, but I discovered that Hulu (free, not Plus) has a decent selection of yoga episodes anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. I'm trying to give myself mid-day stretch/posture breaks since I spend so much time at the desk, so I'm liking these. You can just go to Hulu and search for "yoga" in their search box.
                      Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                      • Down to 170.5 lbs! I actually lost weight while vacationing (we walked a lot...but I normally walk a lot (but I guess only on the weekends, not 8 days straight...))

                        Granted, it's still much higher than I want...but it's about 18lbs lighter than the middle of last December! Yay!

                        However, it also means I'm about to lose a weightwatcher's point... Gack!


                        • Losing points/calories as I lost weight was the hardest part! And I'm struggling with it again now that I'm "maintaining". Because I don't really want to be maintaining. I want to keep losing. But I've been tempted to obsess and I don't want to go there. Though its the ONLY area of my life that I feel like I have any control....and I can see my body responding which is encouraging.

                          How did you all choose your target weights? Are you planning to reassess when you get there? I had a doc tell me that the weight I graduated HS at was pretty close to my ideal weight. He didn't know the number and he didn't know me then...but he said it was a good guide. I'm about 8 pounds heavier than when I graduated HS. I don't know if that's realistic...I was in great shape in HS. But when I think about dogs and cats....the weight at skeletal maturity IS really close to their ideal weight.

                          For right now I'm continuing to "maintain" at 1500 cal a day and working out as close to 4h a week as I can with kid activities. And I'm hovering just under 132. I can just barely see an increase in muscle definition. I'm not sure anyone else could see it.
                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian



                            I think this is a great calculator to determine what it calls, "your happy weight". It gives you a much more realistic goal for where you are in life.
                            Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                            • I'm at my "happy weight" then.
                              Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                              • Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post

                                I think this is a great calculator to determine what it calls, "your happy weight". It gives you a much more realistic goal for where you are in life.
                                That was depressing... Haha

