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Fitness/Weightloss 2013

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  • No beans or nuts today. But I just had some red pepper hummus (without chickpeas - so not sure why it's hummus) inside some butter lettuce. It was amazing.

    I agree. I don't understand how people do the totally raw thing either. I had to have a warm apple with cinnamon for breakfast because I just needed to eat something warm.

    The one very nice thing about the juice cleanses is that the cashew or almond milk most give you as drink 6 is really very filling. So it isn't hard to sleep because you are starving - which I was worried about.

    Well let me know if you decide to do it. It's one I those things that I think having support is critical. It helps to be able to vent to someone who knows what it feels like! I am so thankful that I had my mom and sisters to whine to all weekend - although yesterday my mom kept telling me just to eat something (I guess parents don't like the idea of their kids starving even when they're old!).


    • It's day 2 post juice cleanse. I ate real food yesterday - mostly raw fruits and veggies, but I did cave and have a little fish last night. Anyway, I'm down an additional lbs this morning. I'm shocked. I figured it would all come back once I started to eat again. Very excited


      • I started another food log challenge on LoseIt. It's 4 weeks.
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • I noticed inches melting off way before I saw lbs go down when I was doing a lot of Pilates. Keep it up!!!

          I really miss Pilates. I hope I eventually find a place here. I had this dream about buying a reformer, but I have seen any on CL here - and the new ones are crazy expensive. I thought about just buying one on, that way I could return it if I didn't use it enough.


          • I took my first class at a class only gym today - I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow. Its good for me, I need the motivation and I've already signed up for a class for Friday.

            This was today's class description:
            Fusion at its finest. This class will make you burn and make you sweat. Focused on form and technique, Fusion Raw develops long, lean and toned muscles. A low impact class that incorporates exercises with light weights, big balls, bands and ballet barre will help you become familiar with our fundamental workout moves. Great class for beginners but not to be underestimated by our vets – we’ll make you move and make you sweat!
            I'm going to die! But my goal is a bikini for our February T&C trip, I haven't worn a bikini since I was pregnant with A so its been over 6 years.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • Originally posted by LilySayWhat
              I'm down 2 lbs, 8 to go - but my clothes are fitting more like I'm down 5 lbs. I think it's the pilates workouts that I'm doing 5 days a week now. I love my pilates reformer!!!! STRONGLY recommend getting one if you have space for it. Mine folds up and fits under the bed and it's so good that DH is actually doing pilates now too. I can actually tell for the first time in years that he is getting into better shape. He was always a Rocky-style situps guy but they did little for him. I can tell there is a gut reduction on him for sure, and I am glad to report that I am able to isolate my obliques! The first week of workouts was really rough - I was so achey and sore. Now I can solidly get through a 30 minute workout and use fewer cords (the fewer you use, the more challenging it is for your core). Progress!
              Do you make up your own workouts or is there something you follow to use the reformer at home?
              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


              • Just joined a gym called Fight Fit Ohio and got my ass kicked in kickboxing, but I really do need to lose a little chub for my Florida sunshine and beach vacation in February with my SO
                It's pretty awesome, for a flat fee (starting at $60/month) I get access to all their programs that they offer including Krav Maga (self defense), kickboxing, yoga, weapons defense ( know...when you're about to be shanked?), boot camp workouts, etc...They're a great group of instructors with people of all various fitness levels.
                I debated on CrossFit since it's right down the street from me, but it's really expensive! $120 for a yearly membership and you also have to pay for all the programs that they offer > ____ >


                • On the plateau from hell. Ugh!


                  • Went to the gym for the first time in a month and got the crap beaten out of me. A snippet of class:
                    Us: Holy shit, this is so hard! (While we're sweating buckets)
                    Teacher: This is from a prenatal DVD I have at home.
                    Us: (No words, just looking shamefaced)


                    • I have been really unmotivated recently. I put P in gymnastics and it eliminated a cycling class I loved. I've been depressed about relationship crap (my lack of and the ex's engagement) and have been over eating to soothe.

                      But, last night I got pissed off over a guy (who has amazing legs because he just completed an ironman - but is married and I didn't know that when I met him) and so I went for a run. Holy monkey balls! I haven't run in 15 years! And I ran 3 straight miles and it felt GREAT!

                      So now I'm motivated again. I want to run a 5K before the end of 2013.
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • You just did a 5k! Go for a 10k! Or a half!
                        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                        • Motivation needed! I blew my diet and have gained 5 pounds. It went all to my gut. I did start running...and I've run 4 times total now (in 10 days or so). I hope that I can keep it up. Since extracurriculars have started, I've lost 3 hours of gym time (I'm left with 1h per week). It's not enough exercise to burn the excess calories I want eat.

                          I have zero motivation to start tracking again on LoseIt. I don't really have a goal...just to lose the 5 again....but I feel like I need more than that...
                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • Me too Michele. The juice cleanse was easier than actually tracking on LoseIt again. I managed for a week before losing interest. It's busy and it's starting to her cold and... Who wants to diet????


                            I'll try the one day at a time approach. TODAY I'll track. And exercise. I can promise one day.
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • I started working out again after a few months of morning sickness and 2 weeks of using "it's too hot" as an excuse. My dream of running through this pregnancy is just that...a dream. I tried and once again, it makes me feel like I have to pee constantly, which is a truly awful feeling. I powered through some of that, but I'm thinking some fast paced walking on hills pushing 50+ lbs of stroller and toddler will have to be enough.
                              Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                              • That totally counts, ST. Strollers on hills is exercise.

                                So far so good with today's calorie counting. This, despite dealing with a 17 year old curmudgeon who is procrastinating writing his college essay. I so very much want to binge.
                                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

