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Fitness/Weightloss 2013

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  • You should be so proud of yourself!


    • That is awesome! Amazing work! Keep it up!


      • Wow, Moonlight, that's fantastic!!! Great job!!!
        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


        • Amazing!


          • Way to go, moonlight! That's so great!


            • Kickass!!


              • Honestly if I can do this, YOU can reach your goals too. Just keep trying!
                Thanks everyone.
                Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                • Originally posted by Sheherezade View Post
                  I've got a new problem. I'm starting to feel listless and foggy. I'm losing weight steadily - and happy for it - but I'm not sure I can manage my workload (enormous!) without my equally enormous intake of food. Anyone been through this? I may have to up my calorie count although I really don't want to do that. I never seem to be able to diet effectively and I've really hit the sweet spot in the last 6 weeks. Maybe I just need sleep. Whatever---- it's just been two days of dragging myself around. I'm still hitting yoga and walking -- but I'm like a zombie in between. I can't focus.

                  (Obviously, this post is a good example of my symptoms....I'm all over the place!)

                  ETA: Any chance it could be related to a vitamin or iron deficiency? Maybe I should start taking a multi. Bleh.
                  I'm reading back through this thread and found this post...thought you might find this blog post interesting:


                  • Although not recommended by most docs, I'm doing a cleanse. I haven't had any bad side effects just a headache one day but that was expected. I cut out sugar, dairy, processed foods and flour just for this week. I actually feel better and have more energy. I've even been sleeping like a normal person... it could just be due to my diet and not the cleanse herbs. Still need to start exercising :/


                    • @Alison -- that's a great article. I just need to figure out my body. Amazing that I'm just doing that NOW. LOL I clearly do not do well with low caloric intake. I am a high energy person - but overweight. Cutting calories makes me lose weight, but I feel like I could just lie around all day. I tell the kids that it's like my body is saying

                      "Don't MAKE me go get some of that fat off your hips for this task. DON'T! I'll just turn off ALL your energy. about THAT? Eat something already. It's SO much easier than us burning fat. I'm waiting......"

                      I'm freaking exhausted without eating regularly - and high energy when I eat normally. Still, I've obviously acquired a layer of padding.

                      So....I'll work it out. I feel MUCH better with 1600 calories a day than I did with 1000.
                      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                      • I feel MUCH better with 1600 calories a day than I did with 1000.
                        That's awesome and I'm so glad to hear it!

                        So my husband saw my giant "FUCK LOSE IT" and was a little offended, because he uses Lose It to track calories and has found calorie counting to be the only way he can lose weight. (He is ridiculously active, the man rides over 30 miles per day on the bike, but he does maintain a little spare tire if he's not paying attention to diet.) So I feel like I have to explain. I do believe calorie counting is the most proven way to create successful weight loss, and that maintaining bodyfat in a reasonable range is part of leading a healthy lifestyle. But I find that when I have used them over the past 10 years or so, online calorie trackers (combined with the prevalence of "thinspiration" sites) encourage me inadvertently to lose track of what's a realistic nutrition goal. And I blame the tracking websites to the degree that they don't have any common-sense cross-checks, like throwing up a flag if a goal puts a person below their BMR, or below reasonably-accepted thresholds for starvation. DH has his LoseIt budget set below his BMR too. If he rides his bike, bumping his allotment by 1500 calories, he does OK. If he has to take a day off though, he fights so hard to get there and is miserable and seems to have a lot of negative self-talk, which makes me sad.

                        There's all (eating completely unrestricted) or nothing (as-low-as-possible calories or severely restricted macronutrients or food groups) and I don't think either extreme works for long-term health. Bodies are awesome! Give them appropriate fuel and they will reward you!!

                        (BTW, I started paying attention to diet by eating mindfully and choosing macronutrient-balanced foods made from real ingredients, on Monday. I got to the gym for an hour per day Wednesday through Friday. Down 3 pounds so far, plus I'm feeling the burn of DOMS and man is that a sweet feeling! )
                        Last edited by spotty_dog; 03-02-2013, 05:29 PM.


                        • I totally agree with you Alison! My loesit account is getting lower all of the time and I know that I could not eat less than 1,200-1,300 cals per day. Right now they have me around 1425 per day and its hard because I'm still not in love with most veggies or fish.
                          Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                          "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                          • I joined Lose It! I want to see if I'm totally talking out of my ass. I have told it I want to lose 1/2 pound per week, so it's "letting" me have 1730 calories. At this point I've hit it on the nose just by eating to satiety (but I still have my after-kid-bedtime wine to look forward to, ha ha!) I know I'm eating less than last week when I was snacking mindlessly.

                            I barely made the oft-cited .8 g of protein per kg of body weight, so that's something I think I need to keep paying attention to.


                            • I like lose-it for tracking calories, in which I need to input more effort. Except, I really don't weigh myself because scales fluctuate so much and muscle weighs more than fat. I always weigh more than I should. I go by how my clothes fit and measurements as a better tool for my health.


                              • I have an ideal weight and do not want to gain or loose any more.I am start as I take balance diet,go for regular walk and take good amount of vitamins which are very helpful in dissolving my extra body fats.

                                skin protectors

