Well, today has been a disaster so far. DS was fine until the dentist walked in the room, then he freaked out. It was so awful. As a result, we couldn't make the molds for my new Invisalign trays. And the only time the dentist has available later this week is when our babysitter is busy. Of course DH will be of town on a fellowship interview, not that he could help even if he was in town. Ugh.
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Originally posted by OrionGrad View PostToday I'm taking DS (16 months) to a dentist appt with me. Usually I'd get a sitter, but this is the fourth appt in four weeks where the dentist has said I might get my Invisalign off, might have to wait another week, or I might get fitted for a whole new set of trays. I'm not paying for a sitter for the fourth week in a row when the odds are the appointment won't last more than 10 minutes, so off we go. I have visions of DS sticking his hands in my mouth while they try to make molds for my new trays, but I guess we shall see. Think positive thoughts!It has worked well!
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
Today, I'm sick of being sick. I have had an upset stomach for a week. Thought I was fine this morning, ate an egg (probably not the best start back, but I'm trying to lose weight, and it sounded really good), and my stomach hurts so bad! DH is gone and convinced I should go in to get checked for pancreatitis. I, the wise non-physician, don't think I'm sick enough. I'm waiting until he's home tomorrow night, and then we'll see. I'm really hungry, though!-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
Sorry your sick, Deebs. And Orion, that sounds awful. I hate those situations with kids. And dentists. So altogether bad.
Sassy, I do that all the time! Caffeine is my best friend and worst enemy!
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
Originally posted by Phoebe View PostToday I woke up after getting 7 hours of sleep. Thank you two-hour school delay! It is the first time in two weeks I have gotten over 4 hours of sleep in one night. I feel so thankful.
Me TOO!!!
Originally posted by spotty_dog View PostToday I got a pertussis vaccine for the first time since I was a baby! I had a pretty severe reaction, ca. 1981, apparently I was running a high fever and screaming continuously (when I was NOT a screaming kind of toddler)...I may even have been hospitalized. So for my whole life when asked if I'm allergic to anything, I've said, "I am sensitive/allergic to pertussis vaccine." Well, I'm due for a tetanus booster, and with pertussis cases on the upswing, I decided to run the risk that acellular pertussis vaccine won't affect me even if whole cell vaccine did those many years ago. I made the MA really nervous by making her identify the injection site for me (I got my flu shot at the same time in the same arm), so I can be aware of any local reaction that way. "Um, you've had a bad reaction before?" Here's hoping I'm fine (but I'm off to google adult Tdap adverse reactions just in case -- the clinic gave me the CDC sheet for childhood DTaP.)
Originally posted by corn poffi View PostHmmm that's good to know! I also haven't been immunized against pertussis since I was a baby due to a horrible reaction. I'm a few years behind on my tetanus booster so maybe I'll just go for it...Alison