So what is everyones opinion about pornography. I accidently stumbled on to this site called Xtube and now the images are stuck in my mind. I think pornography can lead to some very dangerous behaviors and I blame it for the rise in the attacks on children.
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Pornography: Good or Bad
I spend alot of time deleting it from this website. I don't know how they find us but they do. I hate it.Luanne
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
I'd vote bad.
I really don't understand the market for some of the sick stuff you can stumble on prowling the internet. (Or right here if we are too slow deleting it!!) It's pervasive. That's disturbing.
I have never had an issue with the soft core stuff......but I guess it is a slippery slope. If that has to go to get rid of the bestiality, so be it.Angie
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
I'm not interested in it, but guess as a "thing" it's not all bad. Clearly kiddie porn, beastiality porn (is there such a thing?), violent porn, etc. crosses some very fuzzy line (which I don't want to be the one to define) and shouldn't be allowed.
I also don't get why porn sites and the like would do the random user creation / whatever the admins have to delete all of the time. Do they think if we finally catch a glimpse we'll simply be addicted and become big customers? Why bother?
There is a HUGE market for porn. So big that I heard there's going to be .xxx (like .com and .edu), so that the porn industry has a home.
I'm not categorically opposed to porn. On the other hand it doesn't do anything for me (if you catch my drift!).
I think it's funny that even the raunchiest topic lines that are posted on this site STILL get 5 to 6 visitors. People don't exactly turn away in disgust.married to an anesthesia attending
Originally posted by Vishenka69Can I say it depends without getting stoned? As long as it involves consenting adults, I really don't see the harm. Porn has been around since sex was invented and it's not going anywhere. It's more of how we personally choose to deal with it and/or ignore it altogether.married to an anesthesia attending
I think it's like any other vice--a community can exist without it just fine, but there's a way for it to be used that's just fine, and misused it can be very destructive.Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.
“That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magician King
I agree that if it involves two consenting adults (no animals, children, etc.) AND is not harmful to the image of a woman.
So, here it goes, DH and I have never had cable tv (we watch maybe 2 hours of tv a week, so waste of $). We recently replaced our rabbit ear 1982 model with an HDTV. Lo, and behold DH wires it up, and we have only 3 normal stations (ABC, CBS, and PBS) and 3 porn stations!!! WTH??? Sometimes the normal stations cut out, so if I am really bored and lonely, I watch porn........ by default.
I have to tell you all that it is SO B-O-R-I-N-G!!! I have never seen anything gross or raunchy, and would turn it off if I did. But, the acting is appalling, and quite frankly there is only so much you can do. I just can't see how people get addicted to it. Now, the shows I do like, are the ones where prostitutes are interviewed- mainly the gals at the Bunny Ranch. They make working at the Bunny Ranch look like so much fun!!!
Okay, my post has just degenerated into how much fun it would be to turn tricks at the Bunny Ranch- this is my cue to log out
Originally posted by *Lily*I love the coitus scenes where the girl smacks her own rear and yells "shiiiiiiit!" My sister and I saw that in a movie somewhere and to this day we still smack and cuss like that - when we're cooking dinner, shopping at the mall, etc. I mean, what woman would actually do that without prompting?!I knew I could count on you for a play-by-play!
married to an anesthesia attending
Originally posted by *Lily*I love the coitus scenes where the girl smacks her own rear and yells "shiiiiiiit!"
So true- this scene is pretty much in every movie!!! Since we are now discussing most funny porn scenes- mine would have to be the ones where some chick is peeking through a couple's window and watching them go at it, while she pleasures herself. Yeah, how many women do this???Personally, I do it every night DH is on call
interesting topic. i have never seen porn in a movie sense. dh picks on me for this. im a prude, what can i say? honestly, i dont have a prob with it. consenting adults, no kids, fine by me.
on a different note...kinda....the other night...i learned what "tossing the salad" was. OMG! i will not say it here, but if you're interested, just google it. an urban dictonary should come up.
bleach, anyone? :!
~shacked up with an ob/gyn~
Originally posted by rainbabieson a different note...kinda....the other night...i learned what "tossing the salad" was. OMG! i will not say it here, but if you're interested, just google it. an urban dictonary should come up.
bleach, anyone? :!
sadly if you were to search on that phrase here at good ol' imsn, you'd find it.