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Just Curious

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  • #46
    I have to say, I am disappointed in all of you. There's a bigger, needier world out there!

    For example, we have just the one house because we are into philanthropy--you know, when the relatives call we say, "Sure we can buy PSPs for all three of your children" and "Why, yes, as an ENT, DH can do facial plastics, and he would be happy to do a little work on your MIL, free of charge, of course" etc, etc, etc.


    • #47
      You have just one house? Did you sell the other two?

      Well I must say that I'm surprised that all of you are so modest and have failed to mention the private islands you all own off the coast of Dubai...we just put a bid on the Austrailia one, I'm really looking forward to island number 2, it just couldn't come soon enough!


      • #48
        Originally posted by uvagradk
        when WILL I see you again??
        Look for me (and my squeeze) sharing a romantic dinner at Eleven Madison Park -- on the Upper West Side.
        Eleven Madison Park is so nowhere near UWS. I guess you don't visit your NY pad too often or don't get out much when you do.
        Can anyone recommend a good private jet? Going between all these residencies commercial is just so exhausting.


        • #49
          You know we ALWAYS use to get from place to place or if we can take our yacht we would prefer that...i like it because of all those cute little cabana boys!


          • #50
            Originally posted by CityChic919
            You know we ALWAYS use to get from place to place or if we can take our yacht we would prefer that...i like it because of all those cute little cabana boys!
            This is a good one, too.


            Very accommodating. And you get to avoid those disgusting commercial terminals, too.


            • #51
              Eleven Madison Park is so nowhere near UWS. I guess you don't visit your NY pad too often or don't get out much when you do.
              That revelation nearly set my second household on its head today, but I thank you for it.

              I had to let my driver, Jeeves, Jr. go because of it. He swore on numerous occasions that he was taking me to the Upper West Side.

              I cannot countenance his duplicity in this matter.

              And to think I had also endured with great patience his nearly incessant mutterings about the need for his pay to be a "living wage".

              In retrospect, alarms should've been raised when he came to my building in his beloved green pinto that had been modified to run on recycled vegetable oil. He was adamant that my hesitance to be seen in it simply spoke of my unwillingness to confront an "inconvenient truth".

              How ironic that my acceptance of the inconvenient truth which you pointed out ended Jeeve, Jr.'s employment.


              • #52
                Originally posted by uvagradk
                Eleven Madison Park is so nowhere near UWS. I guess you don't visit your NY pad too often or don't get out much when you do.
                That revelation nearly set my second household on its head today, but I thank you for it.

                I had to let my driver, Jeeves, Jr. go because of it. He swore on numerous occasions that he was taking me to the Upper West Side.

                I cannot countenance his duplicity in this matter.

                And to think I had also endured with great patience his nearly incessant mutterings about the need for his pay to be a "living wage".

                In retrospect, alarms should've been raised when he came to my building in his beloved green pinto that had been modified to run on recycled vegetable oil. He was adamant that my hesitance to be seen in it simply spoke of my unwillingness to confront an "inconvenient truth".

                How ironic that my acceptance of the inconvenient truth which you pointed out ended Jeeve, Jr.'s employment.
                Poor Jeeves Jr. His father would have been sorely disappointed in his offspring.


                • #53
                  Anyone have a recommendation for a personal assistant for my nanny? She's way too busy getting the children to their social activities and appointments (no one shows up at our children's private school without a mini and pedi and their hair perfectly highlighted) to take the time to do silly things like scheduling, eating lunch and shopping for her own clothes.

                  Oh, and is it acceptable to buy the nanny a domestic SUV or do I really need to get her a Mercedes? Technically, she is the help.
                  Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                  • #54
                    This here talk is right hard to understand. I don't reckon' all these fancy talk words are about me, but I noted some of ya'll talkin' bout having two houses, and when we furclosed on our last trailer, we had to git us a new one, but we got some of it on layaway. We're still waitin' on the steps, but it's a double-wide, so's we be doing right good now, and the bank hadn't sold our other trailer so's I guess we's gots two now.
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #55
                      are you my neighbor, heidi?
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #56
                        In all seriousness for a moment:

                        I just realized that I met someone who was like this once. Her nanny was a friend of mine. The husband was a successful stockbroker and the wife was a inhabitor. They bought a new Lexus SUV just for the nanny (my friend) to tote their two boys around in. She also got a credit card to pay for all expenses related to her job. They were renting an enormous mansion at the time because their even MORE enormous mansion was being "renovated". The kids both went to the most expensive private schools and had a day nanny, a night nanny, and a weekend nanny - I kid you not. My friend was the day nanny - but she was "on call" for the night nanny. And, remember, the mom did not have outside employment of any kind.

                        It was a life that I could not relate to in any way, shape, or form. But, there really ARE people out there like that! I think I'm more comfortable with Vanquisher's type of people....
                        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                        With fingernails that shine like justice
                        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                        • #57
                          We only had a single-wide when I was in middle and high school. The fact that my house isn't on wheels is a step up.
                          Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Vanquisher
                            This here talk is right hard to understand. I don't reckon' all these fancy talk words are about me, but I noted some of ya'll talkin' bout having two houses, and when we furclosed on our last trailer, we had to git us a new one, but we got some of it on layaway. We're still waitin' on the steps, but it's a double-wide, so's we be doing right good now, and the bank hadn't sold our other trailer so's I guess we's gots two now.
                            I guess there's one in every crowd. I just don't like to have to look at them.


                            • #59
                              TR wrote:
                              In all seriousness for a moment:

                              I just realized that I met someone who was like this once. Her nanny was a friend of mine. The husband was a successful stockbroker and the wife was a inhabitor. They bought a new Lexus SUV just for the nanny (my friend) to tote their two boys around in. She also got a credit card to pay for all expenses related to her job. They were renting an enormous mansion at the time because their even MORE enormous mansion was being "renovated". The kids both went to the most expensive private schools and had a day nanny, a night nanny, and a weekend nanny - I kid you not. My friend was the day nanny - but she was "on call" for the night nanny. And, remember, the mom did not have outside employment of any kind.
                              Um, where do I sign up for this? I'm a big fan of the heiress lifestyle. Alright, I'm only kidding. Well partially kidding, anyway. I could be Carol Brady with at least having Alice living downstairs....<sigh>

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

