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Do you swear?

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  • #16
    Re: Do you swear?

    Husband and I used to swear like sailors when talking to each other, but we're trying to wean ourselves off if it by the time the baby learns to speak English, so we've cut way back.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #17
      Re: Do you swear?

      Originally posted by rainbabies
      cee u next tuesday
      I am not familiar with this phrase at all!! I had to look it up (urban dictionary). I am familiar with the nasty word it represents, and I don't say that either. We're about on the same page with this Sylvia.

      When dh was 5 or 6 he was wiggling a loose tooth in the back seat of their car and said, "Stupid cocksucker!" FIL got in trouble. I don't really say that either.

      I wonder though, for those that don't swear, does it bother you when people do (not around your kids)? I swear, a LOT. DH pointed out to me one time that I did it "too much" and was making another resident (c'mon now!) blush.

      To me, they are mostly just words, and they definitely flow freely from my mouth, but yeah, I don't like C U Next Tuesday or, t*at, or p*ssy. Any of the slang words for the female sex organs really bother me. Not so much for a penis though, maybe a tiny bit.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #18
        Re: Do you swear?

        I chose "poor sailors". I do rein it in in front of the kids and most of my JoCo neighbors, but if I'm in my comfort zone .... watch out.


        • #19
          Re: Do you swear?

          I voted sometimes. I used to swear a lot more before kids. Not so much now.

          Originally posted by shrinkjamie
          Originally posted by DCJenn

          We were driving across the interstate bridge here in Portland, and a semi truck cut right in front of us and almost caused a huge accident. My daughter, from the back seat, yelled: "fucking truck!". So, not only did she use the ultimate cuss word, but she used the proper syntax as well! She was TWO! That was my lesson that it was now time to censor the way I spoke in front of her.
          This reminds me of the story my MIL tells about bil. He was also 2 and talking too much in the back of the car. When his Dad told him to quiet down, BIL responded with "blow it out your a$$." At 2, he used that phrase in perfect context.
          Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


          • #20
            Re: Do you swear?

            It doesn't bother me a bit when others cuss around me. Actually, it's amusing.

            It doesn't bother me much when others swear around my kids, either, as long as they're not spewing or heated b/c my kids hear it so little it probably doesn't register with them. DD1 (who is 9) still from time to time asks me "what's the f word?"

            btw - I never use Sylvia's off-limits words, either.


            • #21
              Re: Do you swear?

              We were at a red light. It turned green but we had to wait for the people in front of us to make a left. Out of the car seat I hear, "Go, Fuckers!" Again, perfectly in context.

              So, then I asked him why he said that and he told me that "Fuck isn't a bad word mommy." Then I said, "it's one of the worst words. Where did you hear that?" His response was, "Daddy."

              I use twat all the time. I love it. I find it to be a happy word. It amuses me.

              My BFF uses the "C" word all the time- but her dad did too.



              • #22
                Re: Do you swear?

                Jenn, I'm with you, LOVE the word "twat". I called DH a twat last week and we were cracking up for hours over it.
                Married to a peds surgeon attending


                • #23
                  Re: Do you swear?

                  Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                  Sidenote: Bahama Mama, do you have a gay teenaged son?
                  Holy crap! :thud: Maybe I better tell my mom to come up with a different pet name for the grandkids. LOL. I learned a new word today.


                  • #24
                    Re: Do you swear?

                    Originally posted by bahama_mama
                    Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                    Sidenote: Bahama Mama, do you have a gay teenaged son?
                    Holy crap! :thud: Maybe I better tell my mom to come up with a different pet name for the grandkids. LOL. I learned a new word today.
                    i have never heard that before! twink.

                    and, i think...bahama mama, you really meant to say, "holy shit"
                    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                    • #25
                      Re: Do you swear?

                      How much I cuss depends a lot on the company I am keeping. DH hardly ever cusses, doesn't like it when I do, and I don't cuss around my kids or my students. However, everyone seems to cut loose in the teachers' lounge/lunchroom, and I don't hold back! I think cussing is funny......I love the movie "The Blues Brothers", but only the unedited version.....when they edit it for tv and take the bad words out, the humor is gone for me. :huh:
                      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                      • #26
                        Re: Do you swear?

                        Originally posted by mommax3
                        I think cussing is funny......I love the movie "The Blues Brothers", but only the unedited version.....when they edit it for tv and take the bad words out, the humor is gone for me. :huh:
                        dh says the same thing about the lethal weapon movies, and beverly hills cop. why bother watching?? it's not funny when it's edited.
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                        • #27
                          Re: Do you swear?

                          Originally posted by Rapunzel
                          I voted: Heck no! Unless you count all the pseudo-swear-words.

                          I'm such a Mormon.

                          Lol... we can "Oh my heck" together!


                          • #28
                            Re: Do you swear?

                            hell yeah! I'm married to a dawkter aren't I??
                            I can keep it in check most of the time.


                            • #29
                              Re: Do you swear?

                              Originally posted by Vanquisher
                              I wonder though, for those that don't swear, does it bother you when people do (not around your kids)? I swear, a LOT. DH pointed out to me one time that I did it "too much" and was making another resident (c'mon now!) blush.

                              To me, they are mostly just words, and they definitely flow freely from my mouth, but yeah, I don't like C U Next Tuesday or, t*at, or p*ssy. Any of the slang words for the female sex organs really bother me. Not so much for a penis though, maybe a tiny bit.
                              The hardcore stuff really does bother me. Most of the people I am around everyday never, ever curse. So, when I do hear a curseword it stands out like a scream in an empty symphony hall. I find most of the meanings of cursewords quite distasteful (such as the history behind the word f*ck along with the slang words for sex organs that Heidi mentioned - both male and female for me). I have a problem similarly with the curse words that are used to stereotype and demean people (such as the 'n' word and the various words referencing homosexuality). As an aside: So many curse words are demeaning and insulting to women. Even words such as "bastard" (which is actually a real word but is often hurled as an insult and/or curse word) are really insults for mothers. There just aren't a whole lot of curse words that reference men outside of their genitalia and their sexual preferences.

                              With my children I try to teach them the correct terminology for all of their body parts. I've encountered people that only knew the curse words for them - or some cutesy slang terms! I've also known people who think that the correct scientific terminology for sex organs IS cursing! Similarly:

                              Anyway, I'm trying to eliminate the replacements that I sometimes exclaim because I want to get rid of all of the needless and distracting "filler" words that just point out my inability to verbalize my thoughts at times. I've started just screaming or saying, "Ouch!" really loud when I stub my toe or hurt myself - rather than heck or dang or something even more benign like "Good grief".

                              I have friends who I'm pretty sure curse enough to make a sailor blush but they really clean up their language around dh and I. If a friend does curse in front of me I don't say anything. There's no reason to, really. Their choice of language is more about them than it is about me. However, if anyone begins cursing in front of my children I always ask them to refrain from doing so in the presence of the kids. If they choose to do that with their children then that is their business. But, I want my kids to learn to verbally express themselves without the need for crude or useless terminology.
                              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                              With fingernails that shine like justice
                              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                              • #30
                                Re: Do you swear?

                                I curse all the time but have to keep it in check in front of the kiddos. The F bomb is my all time favorite. The words Sylvia mentioned aren't on my normal rotation, although I didn't know about the cee u next Tuesday, so you never know!
                                Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters

