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Do you swear?

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  • #61
    Re: Do you swear?

    We have no little ones running around - and I curse at home. I see it as a form of expression and sometimes a situation just warrants a fuck...

    Originally posted by Gwendolyn
    I hadn’t realized how often I said JC though until last night when I left something in another room and had to go back and get it. I simply muttered “Jesus.” DS said “Christ. You have to say Christ.” In my defense…I come from a Catholic family…the holy family and all saints are the expletives of choice.
    So true - as Kathy Griffin says, "No one swears or uses the Lord's name in vain more than Catholics. It's that Commandment we don't really take that seriously. We try not to kill, but the swearing... not so much! Alright so I call my Mom, and she goes like this "What? We're not going on any goddamn cruise for Christ's sake... goddammit... son of a bitch... Jesus H. Christ hanging off a Cross... goddammit! Johnny, Kathleen's on the phone... she says we gotta go on some kind of a goddamn cruise for Christ's sake. I told her, goddammit, son of a bitch, Peter and Paul and the other Apostles, what the Christ is wrong with you... Mary Magdalene and the saints... son of a bitch! Well, what the hell kind of a cruise is it?...(pause)...lesbians and their children??"


    • #62
      Re: Do you swear?

      I voted "Heck no! Unless you count suck, stupid, or dang". It's kind of become a running joke with our friends - trying to get me to say curse words. My substitutions of choice are Holy Cow, Poop, Eek, and Oh My Gosh. I don't mind saying "sucks", but usually I say "stinks" instead. I need to work on some cuter ones...

      I don't have a problem with some cursing, but if it's excessive, or truly offensive (like the n-word), then I'll just try to limit my time around that person. I don't think it's my place to correct excessive cursing, but I feel like I should speak up if someone is using derogatory, racial slurs. Sadly, sometimes I'm too chicken to do that. My mom's side of the family are serious racists, and I grew up with them talking that way, so I'm embarrassed to say I usually just make an excuse to leave the conversation.
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #63
        Re: Do you swear?

        At home with DH we let it flow ...we are pretty vulgar, usually just to crack each other up. I usually try to refrain myself at work and in public.

