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Five Interesting Tidbits about me

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post

    I married the third guy I dated. The first two were long-distance "relationships" (in high school). I couldn't be happier!
    J is my third boyfriend and if all goes as planned, will be my husband.
    Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post

    DH and I buy a magnet on all of our vacations. Our refrigerator will never look like the nice ones you see in magazines, all clean and clear. I'm happy about that.
    That is awesome! Magazine type fridges are just sad.

    Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
    Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
    Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


    • #17
      1. My biggest pet peeve is bad grammar. I will correct you if you say *I* instead of *me* (just between you and I- AAARGH or she's taller than me- EEEK!). My kids say *our teachers talk like that* and I say *Not in my house...*.

      2. I can't stand having *down time* which makes being a SAHM a little bit challenging at times. Not that there's down time, but you're hijacked by kids and kids' schedules. When I was in high school, I was happiest when club Volleyball season was in full swing and Track was in full swing. I loved having after school track practice until 5:30, then racing across town to volleyball practice until 8 pm, then eating and doing homework and getting to bed by 11. I loved the challenge of it.

      3. I went to prom with a good male friend of mine who was (is) a pothead. I knew him before his pot days-- he was my first boyfriend in 3rd grade, in fact. He had long hair, was sort of polynesian looking, and a cool guy to hang out with. Too bad about the pot, though. It sucked the creativity out of him. I had a twisted ankle for prom, and so we couldn't dance, but that didn't matter. I didn't have time to shop for my dress (see point 2-- too busy) so my mom brought me 3 different dresses to try on. Go mom!

      4. I went to community college because I needed to live at home (single mom with no college education). I was mortified because in our small town only *losers* went to community college. But I had the most awesome experience. I loved it there and thrived from the variety of people, from the over achieving high schoolers (I could relate) to the second-career seeking middle aged people (strngely, I could relate to them too.) I also met my husband at the good ol' community college.

      5. I started dating my husband because he was so clueless but was so endearing at the same time. He intrigued me because he soooo didn't have his **** together to make it into medical school, yet it never even crossed his mind that he wouldn't make it. A typical clueless thing he did: He said he was going to Brazil to train to do jijitsu fighting before going to medical school... He had found the jijitsu school and everything. Never mind he'd never done any martial arts. Never mind he spoke Spanish, not Portuguese. I whipped him into shape, and in the span of it all I fell in love too.

      ETA: I whipped him into shape for getting into med school, NOT for the whole jijitsu thing. He still hasn't pursued that!!!
      Last edited by peggyfromwastate; 03-06-2010, 09:08 AM.

      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


      • #18
        1. I used to sing in different rock bands for several years but eventually had to give it up because of time constraints. I really miss it sometimes.

        2. When I was 18 I participated in the national karate championships of my country. Although I didn't do exceptionally well, I certainly didn't make a fool of myself either.

        3. When I go on holiday, I usually try to buy a replica jersey of one of the local sports teams (mostly soccer teams). I find it's a good alternative to more traditional touristy things one could buy.

        4. I'm quite the metrosexual and can be extremely vain at times.

        5. Although I appear to have a reputation for being extremely left wing on this forum, I belong to the political right in my home country.


        • #19
          Okay, here goes...

          1. I am one of 6 children (stereotypical Irish-Catholic) and I can't get rid of the feeling that if DH and I have less than 4 kids, our family will be "small"

          2. I have a terrible sweet tooth. It's my curse. I really don't like to bake, but am known in my family as the "baker" because I always bring a dessert (usually something chocolate). I pretend I bake for others, but I really do it for myself.

          3. DH and I met and got together when I was 18. Which means we have been together for 12 years! I can't believe it!

          4. I am a people watcher. Stick me on a beach and I'll entertain myself all day!

          5. I am a nervous giggler. If I get the notion that something is funny, forget it. No matter how inappropriate the setting, I can't help myself. Over the years I have worked to perfect the "cover up cough" to hide my bad manners.
          Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


          • #20
            [QUOTE=rainbabies;473703]1) I'm an emotional person. I take everything to heart. And will often feel guilty about something even if it wasn't my "fault"


            Me too.

            2. I love my cat but he drives me insane!! This makes me feel very guilty because I can't bond with him like I did before I had Anna.
            3. I love softball and volleyball, and really miss playing them.
            4. I was put on academic probation my first semester of college due to lack of interest. I ended up graduating Magna Cum Laude.
            5. I am very type A and anal about being on time and perfection. My husband on the other hand is very laid back and a type B procastinator. I always have to call him to do something 5 minutes before I actually need it done b/c it usually takes him at least that long to get up and do it. I am never prepared the few times he does it immediatley.


            • #21
              Originally posted by McPants View Post
              1. I used to sing in different rock bands for several years but eventually had to give it up because of time constraints. I really miss it sometimes.

              5. Although I appear to have a reputation for being extremely left wing on this forum, I belong to the political right in my home country.
              1. Obviously, this confession must be followed by video proof! =)

              5. LOL At least we keep it interesting in the debate forums.
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #22
                1. I am most proud of my sharp wit and sense of humor, although I rarely use it on those who don't know me well - in case it is taken wrong. Those who are close to me love that I can make them laugh. Perhaps this is why my close friends stay close and why there are few of them.

                2. I am very cat-like - if there is a patch on sun hitting the floor, I will sit there instead of the chairs/couches. Additionally, I won't notice that I move across the floor as the sun moves across the sky - so as to not lose my sun. This is a point of contention between my cat and I.

                3. I am extremely opinionated about water safety (especially for children) and I despise water-wings with a passion. I swam competitively for 13 years or so, then life-guarded and taught swimming lessons for 7 years. (If you are wondering about the water wing thing - it is because they can hold a child's head down in the water...I much prefer an actual certified life jacket when necessary (outdoors) and most of all - attentive parents and a child that can automatically float on their back for safety!! (sorry)

                4. I hate it when people chew crunchy things right behind me - this amuses my father and my brother immensely. I have to move so I am facing them. (This makes movie theaters very irritating through previews!)

                5. Improper use of the subjunctive bothers me - I used to correct people, but have given up because I got sick of explaining the rule in its many forms.

                6. On Nov. 5 - I am often the only one who knows about (or loves to celebrate) Guy Fawkes Day.
                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • #23
                  I married the third guy I dated.
                  1. Haha, I'm marrying the first and only guy I ever dated. We met when I was 15 and he was 16 and it just worked.

                  2. DF is also the only guy I've ever kissed, and we waited until we were engaged to kiss on the lips. We were going to wait until we got married but after 4 years we got impatient and decided we didn't want 250 witnessing that event. I don't regret that decision.

                  3. I've participated in a variety of random and normal sports over the course of my life including competitive swimming, softball, soccer, figure skating, synchronized swimming, modern dance, triathlons, and powerlifting (when I was a freshman in high school). I loved figure skating the most and still resent the fact I had to quit due to the birth of my youngest sister

                  4. I love severe weather--especially tornadoes. I have been storm chasing once, and seen a tornado once (unfortunately it was dark and hard to see--luckily for those it hit, it was just a tiny EF-1). I'm looking for someone to go storm chasing with this spring right now. I almost majored in meteorology, but the math and lack of job opportunities for undergrads stopped me.

                  5. I want 4-6 children (yes, DF does too--I credit the fact that we are both the oldest of large families) and cannot wait to be a mother someday. I also want to adopt an older child at some point, even if we are able to have kids.
                  Last edited by SoonerTexan; 03-06-2010, 12:09 PM.
                  Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                  • #24
                    I loved figure skating the most
                    My sister skated through middle and high school. And used it as her talent for pageants. Neat!
                    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                    • #25
                      1. Due to severe ear infections as a kid, I have significant hearing loss. As in, I use the closed captioning on the TV and need to be able to see someone's face while they're speaking so I can lipread. But I don't like loud noises and typically have the volume on the TV turned WAY down.

                      2. Was raised in a rural, conservative town and didn't ever feel like I fit in. I have almost always been FAR more socially liberal than those around me, except for family.

                      3. I'm a bit of a hermit and TOTALLY fine with in. I avoid "formal" social events at all costs. Residency events drive me particularly insane. I will hang with the people I like. I don't need their various spa nights, BBQ's, etc. to hang with the residents and spouses.

                      4. I survive mainly on painfully strong coffee and snark.

                      5. I have the ability to stay annoyingly calm and sane in the face of significant stressors and very difficult situations. Drives my MIL insane.
                      Last edited by diggitydot; 03-06-2010, 12:45 PM.


                      • #26
                        1. At one point, I thought a career in religion might have been my calling. This surprises people because I don't normally strike someone as uber religious. Nontheless, I find comparitive religion and the psychology of faith fascinating.

                        2. I have traveled to 44 countries, mostly via some crazy backpacking expeditions in college. I'm kind of proud of my old passports.

                        3. I have strong objections to the way adolescence and young adulthood is marketed in this culture. Part-time menial jobs, sports for both genders, and lots of camping are in my kids' future.

                        4. I'm a dental hygiene freak. Bad teeth are a huge turn off for me.

                        5. While I love being physically active and appreciate a fine male specimen, I think intelligence is far sexier than anything that the human body offers.

                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
                          1. Obviously, this confession must be followed by video proof! =)
                          See McPants fact #4.


                          • #28
                            1. I do not like ice in any beverage.

                            2. In 2005, I made an inspired attempt to initiate a winter fashion trend of my own design: a chunky sweater with a bright colored summer skirt, over white thermal longjohns, with snow boots. I dressed in this outfit on several occasions, frustrated that no one commented, before my friends staged an intervention. They informed me that they had in fact noted the endeavor and had, amongst themselves, dubbed the look the "fishing village whore outfit." They made me change before we could go out. I forgot about it until a similar get-up was featured on the cover this past December's J.Crew catalogue. I feel vindicated.

                            3. We don’t own a television.

                            4. As a child I thought that babies were made when a man and woman stood back to back, naked, and pressed their bottoms together. I was embarrassingly old when I finally got the straight story on the birds and the bees.

                            5. I am a terrible driver, mostly because I have no experience. I used public transportation in college and law school, and now even though we live in a smaller city, I walk to work and just about everywhere else I go on my own. DH always drives any time we go somewhere together. I can probably count on one hand the number of times he has ridden on the passenger side of my car.


                            • #29
                              1. I have an irrational fear of losing my teeth and have a reoccurring stress dream that they simply drop out of my mouth.
                              2. My DH and I eloped in Las Vegas. It has been more than nine years and I haven’t regretted once.
                              3. I detest moving but get the itch to do so every three years or so. I blame it on growing up in a frequently moving, military family. That fresh start feeling is addictive.
                              4. I go through food phases and end up eating the same thing at lunch for weeks at a time. My “it” food of the month is Cream of Wheat.
                              5. I sleep on DH’s side of the bed anytime he is gone. No clue why.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                                This girl used to be wicked smart too. Then, I had kids.
                                I know exactly what you mean. It's like each birth drains the brain a little more. Ummm, what were we talking about?

                                Oh right,

                                1) Even though I grew up in the Texas hill country I no longer have any trace of a drawl.

                                2) I skipped my senior prom to attend the international science fair.

                                3) If I could live any place in the entire world it would be...Hogwarts.

                                4) I'm on my third iPhone.

                                5) DH says my most annoying trait is that I always talk during movies.

