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Five Interesting Tidbits about me

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  • #46
    Raver = Someone who attends rave parties. They were enormous warehouse parties filled with lots of techno music, lights, and many had LOTS of drugs. They tended to be kind of an underground thing. The ones I went to had a goofy treasure hunt type directions to find the location. Typically, to avoid detection by the cops due to the incidences of underaged drinking and/or illicit drug use.

    I, too, attended my fair share of raves in the mid to late 90s.


    • #47
      1. In 2002 I won a national essay contest on living with MS. My essay and picture where in the National MS Society's newsletter, and I won $2,000.

      2. I am fluent in American Sign Language.

      3. I have never been drunk, never smoked a cigarette and never tried illegal drugs of any kind (including pot....some of my clients don't consider pot an 'illegal' drug, but I do). I am quite proud of this and am not embarrassed in social situations to be the only one not drinking. I don't need alcohol to have a good time!

      4. I am a total metalhead. For those of you who are my FB friends, DH and I bought a new Z4 this weekend and immediately upgraded the sound system and added an amp and a sub...all so that I can blast my heavy metal music while driving to and from work. Most people don't believe this about me, but I assure you it's true. Love, love, LOVE metal music.

      5. My big toe and the toe right next to it, on each foot, are attached to one another. The webbing goes all the way up. It looks totally freaky and unfortunately, I passed my freakish toes on to my DD.
      Married to a peds surgeon attending


      • #48
        1. I have a Native American name that my grandma's neighbor and good friend (an Absentee Delaware tribal elder) gave me when I was a child. His grand-daughter and I were very good friends, and we would call each other by our "indian" names.

        2. In college, I went a little crazy composing my senior thesis, and went to the Sunset Strip to get a body piercing to blow off some stress.

        3. On our honeymoon, an entire Jeep of tourists came out of nowhere and interrupted me, relieving myself, during a hike. "Aren't we in the middle of nowhere?"

        4. My dad's nickname choice for me is "Campfire Squirrel." I have no idea where that came from.

        5. I eat/hoard mints like an elderly woman - and I eat unwrap them during movies, church, etc. *crinkle crinkle*
        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
        Professional Relocation Specialist &
        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


        • #49
          Re: Five Interesting Tidbits about me

          Originally posted by Deebs
          DH is a total home-body. By mid-afternoon if we haven't been out all day, I start to make up errands I need to get done so that we can get out of the house.
          I do this too!!
          Living the Life of Intern Year...


          • #50
            1.) I can not swim. I can dog paddle like crazy but to swim across water NOPE. I am scared to death of deep water due to this.
            2.) I have never even touched a cigarette before. Never seemed like a good idea to me.
            3.) I was on the Junior Olympic Gymnastic Team and won gold. I was going to try and qualify for worlds but got hurt.
            4.) I use to be so scared of storms that I would hide in my closet when it rained. I overcame that by becoming a meteorologist.
            5.) Bridges scare the crap out of me. I go nuts just driving over them, I panic (see #1)
            Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


            • #51
              Thanks everyone! This is fun to read!

              1. My brother is a professional improv comedian, and my sister (who will graduate from college in May) is applying for jobs as an animal trainer at theme parks. They are both way cooler than me, and I'm crazy about them.

              2. I have a Top Secret Security Clearance from the US Government.

              3. I am a first generation American on one side - my mother was born in the Netherlands.

              4. I was a total high school overachiever who graduated with a perfect 4.0 and a national merit scholarship.

              5. I have never mowed a lawn.
              Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


              • #52
                [QUOTE=bokelley;473956]1.) I can not swim. I can dog paddle like crazy but to swim across water NOPE. I am scared to death of deep water due to this.
                3.) I was on the Junior Olympic Gymnastic Team and won gold. I was going to try and qualify for worlds but got hurt.

                We so have to get together and do a skill trade!! I'll teach you how to swim and you can teach me how to not be a klutz!! (Seriously!)
                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • #53
                  I can't believe there are five things about me that no one knows...

                  1) In doing my genealogy research this summer, I've traced my mother's family back to the Huguenots on one side and a Cambridge educated minister on the other. Apparently that religious drive has been bred out and replaced by other passions...
                  2) I HATE litter. I am that crazy person on the beach picking up cigarette butts and plastic straws. I cannot sit and relax if I can see trash. I also pick up litter when I'm walking the dogs and pretty much any other time of day or night. I carry plastic bags in my car and pick up trash in parking lots, too.
                  3) I am incapable of having a job that doesn't 'mean' something. I'm the epitome of the social services geek. I am passionate about it though so I guess that's good. My career has mostly been spent working w/ people w/ developmental disabilities but I have segued into substance abuse services for now.
                  4) I talk to my mother at least twice a day.
                  5) We started a write-in campaign for "the" prom song for the Dead Kennedy's "Too Drunk to Fuck" and it won and our class president stood up there during the assembly, burst into tears and said over the microphone. "you. all. have. RUINED. the. Prom." Ah, that was a truly glorious moment. We had a high school that was essentially "the popular kids" and then the rest of us. Unfortunately for Missy and the rest of the 'popular' kids, the rest of us outnumbered them and we united in being tired of being judged because we weren't 'them.'


                  • #54
                    You are all hard acts to follow.

                    1. I was a total Club Kid in NYC in the late 80s. Highlights of that hangers on phase include hanging out with Boy George and getting a limo ride home from Bruce Willis. No drugs, just loved to dance and stay out all night. That, and I'm a closet groupie.

                    2. I suffered from anorexia and bulimia in college. (See Angie, Fact 1).

                    3. I was also at the International Science Fair on prom night! (I think Ladybug is younger than me, though.) I won Best in Show, and went to college partially on the Office of Naval Research.

                    4. I took up drinking ouzo in high school because I was in love with a Greek guy. I don't drink much ever - and have maintained a love for drinks that are nearly impossible to drink quickly or in quantity. Currently, I sip Cognac or Absenthe.

                    5. I attend a Quaker meeting here. I think the Quakers actually share my own perspective on religion - but I'm still uncomfortable forcing that view on anyone (even my own children) so I go to meetings alone.
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by alison View Post

                      4). I was sure throughout my pregnancy that we were having a girl!
                      Wait a second, am I remembering this wrong??
                      Mom to three wild women.


                      • #56
                        I was a little sloppy on that one--I meant that my gut feeling was that we would be having a girl, despite all odds (a family full of boys on dh's side). Even though I thought we were going to have a boy, all my dreams were of delivering a girl!
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #57
                          I love reading everyone's answers!

                          1. Like SoonerTexan, I am obsessed with meteorology. I watch the Weather Channel all.the.time. I get annoyed at people who aren't prepared for the weather. I have wanted to be a meteorologist at different points in my life; I considered making it my major in college. While I can handle the math part of it, it's the science part that would have killed me, especially physics.

                          2. I hold my pens and pencils in a very strange way. From what I am told, it is similar to the way a left handed person, but with the right hand. The pen rests upon my ring finger and the rest of it I can't quite explain. I get a lot of comments about it and people trying to write as I do. There was a concerted effort on my behalf as a child by my father and grandparents to get me to hold a pencil the "correct" way. They would force my little fingers to hold it a certain way and watch me write for a few minutes. As soon as they turned their back, I went right back to how I was holding it before.

                          3. I hate anything licorice flavored. I'm not quite sure where this aversion came from. Fennel, tarragon, carraway seeds, licorice-flavored alcohol, licorice candy - yuck. I will eat strawberry Twizzlers though.

                          4. I am intrigued by genealogy and I wish I had more time to invest in it. There are so many family stories I want to investigate. My godmother has found out that my maternal grandmother's side of the family are distant relatives of General Custer (we are descendants of one of his first cousins). My last name is common and Welsh, but I've been told my paternal grandfather's family is from Ireland. DF's family is from Poland on one side, while the other side is from Egypt (his mother was born there). We only have information on the two previous generations in Egypt, as they left everything behind and fled to France during Nasser's regime. There is some thought that the lineage may go back to Turkey. Maybe this summer I will have some time to do some research.

                          5. I suffered from abdominal migraines as a child. Essentially, I would wake up in the middle of the night, vomit to the point of dry heaves and then go back to sleep. I would be fine by 12 PM the next day. Sometimes the episodes were stress related, sometimes they were completely out of the blue. Fortunately, I outgrew them as I moved into puberty and have not had any issues with migraines since. But to this day, I hate being nauseous/physically ill more than anything. I'd rather have any other malady than that. I really hope I don't have morning sickness like some of you experienced while pregnant with your little ones!
                          Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                          • #58
                            Love this thread!

                            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post

                            3. I have a 1/2-inch long, tan birth mark next to my belly button.
                            Weird, I have one as well!! [I'll count that as #1]

                            2. I was student president of my high school. J, my then-boyfriend (now DH) was teased that he was "first man." I had to speak in front of the school body often and I was pretty good at it. Then all of a sudden, after high school my confidence plummeted and I don't think I've ever fully recovered. I can't pinpoint what triggered it... but yeah... weird. Anyway, I do look up on that time fondly.

                            3. I have to eat chocolate at least once a day. Totally addicted. I gave it up once for lent and DH almost killed me I was so moody. Never doing that again!

                            4. My father is from Nicaragua. So I'm half Nicaraguan half Caucasian. My daughter is therefore a huge jumble of races. (My husband is half Jamaican half Hatian).

                            5. I can't stand seeing men in flip flops. I'm sorry to offend any offenders or wives of offenders... but I just don't like it. I have yet to see a man with decent looking feet... at least decent enough to warrant flip flops. I can stand sandals because they're kind of covered up. Weird, I know.
                            Attorney, mom, married to a vascular surgery fellow!


                            • #59
                              hmm... lets see.

                              1. I am a Christian and wish that everyone would know the peace and serenity that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. My husband and I only use NFP but coincidentally not because of our spiritual beliefs. I just don't like putting hormones into my body. We have been together for 9 years now and only got pregnant after two months of actually trying.

                              2. I hate my profession. I went into engineering because I grew up in a secluded small town in the upper peninsula of Michigan and I wanted out. I knew that engineers made decent money, so I went for it. I'm pretty good at what I do but, my heart is not in it.

                              3. I am a very intense person. I have strong feelings about just about everything, anything, and everyone. I usually have a hard time keeping my mouth shut and not sharing my strong feelings.

                              4. Although my husband and I are science geeks (engineers), we both love music. Until our recent move, we had an entire room in our house dedicated to our musical instruments. It was the biggest room in our house too. I hope medical training goes by quickly so that we can once again have our music room back!

                              5. I never expected to love being a mother as much as I do. If my husband would let me, I think I'd have 10! Unfortunately, I'm having to really push for a second. If I had known that motherhood was my real calling, I would not have wasted $130,000 on an education. This education, and the loans that it took to get it, are what is keeping me from being a SAHM to my beautiful 2 year old son and what is going to keep my husband and I apart for 16 months while he's away at school. ... nope, not resentful! hahaha Without that education, I would not have met my husband... so I'm glad it happened!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by scarlett09 View Post
                                I love reading everyone's answers!

                                1. Like SoonerTexan, I am obsessed with meteorology. I watch the Weather Channel all.the.time. I get annoyed at people who aren't prepared for the weather. I have wanted to be a meteorologist at different points in my life; I considered making it my major in college. While I can handle the math part of it, it's the science part that would have killed me, especially physics.
                                Trust me it is not that bad, If you can do calculus than you can do physics. Now I did have 6 semesters of it, but the first year was the hardest. Same with the math, if you get a great understanding of the basics then everything else just kinda comes to ya.
                                Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.

