I know it is stupid but I have a snake phobia. Yesterday, after a huuuuge rain, there was one sunning itself in my backyard. First thought, I do not want to f-ing ever go to my backyard again. I know that is not going to happen. Eventually, I will have to venture out. However, I am kind of annoyed that when I mentioned it to friends they blew me off and continued to talk snake types and horror stories. Really? I told one friend that I would never make him climb up anything he is not comfortable with and the other I reminder that I have killed her little spider and roach. I have no issues with being stuck in a small chamber, heights, jumping in the ocean (diving), tarantulas, roaches, lizards, frogs, etc. I know my fear of snakes is not rational...hence, it is a PHOBIA. What part of phobia do people not understand? I had dreams about their awful stories. Uggghh. This is not the first time. I get the feeling that if you do not have the usuals (heights, water, spiders, MRI machines
) then your fear is not taken seriously.
Do you have any non "mainstream" phobias?

Do you have any non "mainstream" phobias?