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The "I Hates" Thread

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  • The "I Hates" Thread

    A friend of mine started another blog of "Dislikes" and it was pretty funny. I thought since we have lots of threads about our current faves, I'm going to go ahead and start one on the flipside. :>

    Currently (or actually, not so currently, just in general), I dislike:
    K Mart
    JC Penney
    Britney Spears

  • #2
    Up to the minute list:

    -- The box spring for MIL's mattress that lives in my garage and makes it nearly impossible to get my pregnant belly out of the car (Craig's List, take it away!)

    -- Finding moldy sippy cups

    -- The fact that two carseats and booster will not work in the back of my car (hellooooo minivan 7 months sooner than we expected)

    -- Girls Gap Jeans and as an extension GapKids clothing in general (PTSD from back to school shopping. Screw their buy one get 50% of another deal. Between 4 cuts of jeans and regular and slim sizing, how can I not fit jeans for my 6 year old???????)


    • #3
      Top of the List Today:

      Coughing, sneezing, stuffy head, etc that makes a cold a cold.

      Hummers and the people who own them

      People who try to grow grass in South Texas and then bitch about water restrictions (hello? too many people+ too many lawns+the hottest August on record + a record drought? = Don't grow grass)

      My local grocery store. It's tiny, it's filthy and it sells crappy fruits and veggies, nothing organic and nothing 'natural'. Now, any guesses that it's not in the Rich White people part of town? and it IS in the poor Hispanic part of town? and what really pisses me off is that the freaking owner of the grocery store chain lives in my neighborhood. Bet his chef doesn't shop at the local store.... and people wonder how poor people can end up obese. Look at the crap available to them to buy!

      Air Conditioning that is set too cold. I hate freezing.

      That's it for the moment. I'm sure I'll have more.


      PS- I'm always anti-Walmart.


      • #4
        Today is a good day for hates.

        -Whatever it is my current position is evolving into. Can't remember last time I did anything analytical.

        -Day after the weekend (I need more sleep)

        -Not knowing where we'll live in less than a year (I'm a planner and I hate not being able to plan ahead)

        -Being stressed out for putting too much pressure on myself.

        -Whoever thought out the brilliant parking plan in Shea/US Open.


        • #5
          -Hummers and ridiculously large SUVs that take up way too much space in the city

          -Chicago weather

          -Chicago restaurants (large portions does not equal quality)

          -throwing my back out (it happened on Sunday)
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Originally posted by alison
            -Chicago weather
            aw, come on it is beautiful today! Finally turning into autumn. So maybe ti was a little drizzly last night, today is nice and cool, with a breeze whipping off the lake. It is a welcome respite after a scorching summer.
            Originally posted by alison
            -Chicago restaurants (large portions does not equal quality)
            That's not fair to tar them all with that brush! If you're looking for great places to eat around town, check out these forums. (hint: use the search function before asking a question about "where to get the best dim sum in the northwest suburbs" or something like that)
            - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


            • #7
              Oh, I'll go ahead and add what I hate today: The Southern District of New York. Why do they have to make things so difficult for me!

              Also, Risk Managment at the University of Chicago: making it impossible to be a volunteer coach since 1890
              - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


              • #8
                People who write checks at the grocery store...especially the ones who wait till all of their groceries are bagged and THEN fill out the check.


                • #9
                  As of today I hate:

                  Having to function on less than 5 hours of sleep.


                  Unloading the kid's school stuff from the car and not even in the door yet before they are bombarding me with a list of demands.

                  Realizing I lent my friend my car seat to use for her last child and she didn't return all the pieces and having to harass her when I know she already got rid of all her baby stuff.



                  • #10
                    In general, I don't like the weather in Chicago. I really think it rains more in Chicago in the summer than it does in Seattle in the summer. Yesterday was a washout. Dreary.

                    I've been living here for 5 years and haven't been impressed. I don't like deep dish. Don't like hotdogs. Maybe that's my problem. Thanks for the link to the forum. I'll check it out! My dad and brother are coming to town tomorrow and I'm desperate to find places to take them.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      Giordano's is pretty awful. There are a few places to get decent Chicago Style pizza, but many more places to get whatever cheese and tomato casserole passes for "deep dish" ugh. As for the hot dogs, well, if you've been to Hot Doug's and still don't like Chicago dogs, you might be beyond hope.

                      I end up eating out way more than I should, so if you have any specific questions, or are looking for a specific kind of place, don't hesitate to ask!

                      As for the weather, it is not really fair to compare Chicago summers to Seattle summers. I mean Seattle wins for summers and winters, but Chicago wins for spring and fall. (although I don't mind the winters here, but yeah, Seattle has great summers - edit: although to be fair, I only spent 6 months in Seattle and I've been here for four years.)
                      - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                      • #12
                        And how long do spring and fall last in Chicago?

                        I just sent you a pm. My dad will be in town - can you think of any good Italian?

                        Giordano's is really bad. So is that Lou Malnati's. This might be a weird question, but is there any good thin crust here?
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #13
                          There is a great Neopolitan place (wood-fired cracker thin crust) up in Ravenswood called Spacca Napoli

                          very, very good.

                          Follia is also getting good reviews lately, but I've not been there. My Italian experience here in town is limited to Italian Village downtown, and I've found them to be hit or miss (and very, very heavy Italian food) although some of my coworkers who are very Italian swear by it.

                          I'd say the seasons here are pretty evenly spaced, I mean, autumn is just beginning now, and it will last until mid december (when the ice skating rinks open! yay!) then spring starts up in late March (when we begin rowing outdoors again) and lasts until it gets hot and yucky in June.
                          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by FutureRN
                            Hates? Walmart, SUVs, this weird weather (it feels like fall in Ohio....I was FREEEEZING this morning when I took a leisurely mid-morning nap with full blankets over me)
                            Where are you?


                            • #15
                              hmmmm .... usually I'm chock full o' stuff to hate ... this caught me offguard!

                              being tired

                              whiney, whiney, whiney children

                              cliques of 30 somethings

                              dogs that love to run out the front door and don't even consider coming when called

                              the way shopping plazas are designed in Kansas City: they make it a maze to get from one plaza to another. i've never seen anything like it. i'm told it's to slow-down / disuede would-be robbery ... but it's insanity.

                              'jug-handles' in NJ

