I wore DS in the ergo until he outgrew the height limit. Then, I had a Kanga made by BlooKangaroo (shout out to Michele for turning me onto that company!), and I would still be wearing him in the Kanga if I wasn't hugely pregnant.
The ergo and the kanga alone got us through infancy into the present. When DS was born, I placed him in the ergo
Infant insert, without issue.
Where we live now, both baby and I would be puddles, due to the time of year and the humidity.
I wore DS in the ergo until he outgrew the height limit. Then, I had a Kanga made by BlooKangaroo (shout out to Michele for turning me onto that company!), and I would still be wearing him in the Kanga if I wasn't hugely pregnant.
The ergo and the kanga alone got us through infancy into the present. When DS was born, I placed him in the ergo
Infant insert, without issue.
Where we live now, both baby and I would be puddles, due to the time of year and the humidity.