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Veepstakes thoughts...

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  • #61
    Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

    Originally posted by SuzySunshine
    Abigail did you get woken up by the text message and then post that? What in the world were you doing up at 2:43 in the AM?
    Even though I was endlessly fascinated about who Obama would pick, I did NOT give his campaign my personal contact info for the big text message announcement...

    I am experiencing a lot of trouble sleeping in these last few weeks before the delivery. The strangest problem is that I am having "baby nightmares." Two nights ago, I dreamed that the nurse at the hospital brought me the wrong baby...very cute kid, but she was black! My husband and I are very fair-skinned folks of Western European descent. I tried to tell the nurse politely that she must have mixed up the name cards, but she became angry with me and accused me of racism! So we took the baby as our own, but then the baby wouldn't suckle because she missed her real mom! And the police came and accused me of child neglect for failing to feed the baby...I woke covered in sweat and totally unrested.

    Plus, I've been having quite a bit of leg cramping, stomach discomfort, and Braxton Hicks contractions. So, I was up at 2:45 AM because Baby was up! It's been like this for several weeks--I end up losing about a two hour block of sleep in the middle of the night...


    • #62
      Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

      I don't know what to think about an Obama/Biden ticket (I'm totally posting on the fly here, so my thoughts may be somewhat jumbled!) I'd have to say that it tempers my enthusiasm about an Obama presidency a bit (as DH would say, I'm an "Obamakin" ). It makes it seem like Obama is acknowledging that he's weak in the experience arena, and I don't know how easily he's going to be able to sell his "Change" theme as he's now running with the ultimate Washington insider.

      I think I need to find out more about Biden.

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #63
        Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

        I don't know what to think about an Obama/Biden ticket (I'm totally posting on the fly here, so my thoughts may be somewhat jumbled!) I'd have to say that it tempers my enthusiasm about an Obama presidency a bit (as DH would say, I'm an "Obamakin" ). It makes it seem like Obama is acknowledging that he's weak in the experience arena, and I don't know how easily he's going to be able to sell his "Change" theme as he's now running with the ultimate Washington insider.

        I think I need to find out more about Biden.
        This also makes me less interested in Obama.
        Another major thing that is causing me to waver is that I want to understand the plans for ending the war. I would post a new thread on that... but maybe will give it a rest until next week.


        • #64
          Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

          I always liked Biden. Call me crazy. I'm also happy that he chose someone from a state that he's projected to win instead of playing a pure numbers game with the electoral map. Pick the guy from Indiana or Virginia just to help you swing the state? I hate that stuff. I prefer my candidate to pick someone because they will be best in the JOB, not the election. I'm glad he is getting a Washington insider on his team because he will need it to get legislation through. Like it or not, we have built a system that requires bargaining. I'm happy to send Mr. Smith to Washington.... but having seen the Capra film, I'd like to send him with someone "in the know" to advance the learning curve and avoid that messy filibuster scene at the end.


          This has been a totally unsupported personal opinion.
          This post was approved by me, Sheherezade.
          No animals were harmed in the production of this post.

          Clearly.....I need a fresh cup of coffee!
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #65
            Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

            Biden's Bloviations will be awesome. Book it.

            Seriously, though, unless he commits a terrible blunder (which he might), I think he's a great choice. Reaches out to blue collar democrats, independents, and those worried about experience in Washington and abroad. Those upset that Biden isn't "progressive" enough or dissappointed Hilary backers still have to vote Obama anyway...what's their alternative despite their angst?


            • #66
              Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

              Originally posted by LilySayWhat
              Personally I really thought he would pick a woman. Not HRC, but another woman.
              I did to Lily until the only woman really thrown around was Sebelius besides HRC. I think they probably realized Sebelius isn't ready for the national stage. Its great that she a Democratic governor of a very republican state but I think they probably found she isn't ready.

              I watched their speeches just now and I think the next few weeks will be interesting. Now on to figure out who McCain is going to pick...
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #67
                Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                Originally posted by migirl
                I don't know what to think about an Obama/Biden ticket (I'm totally posting on the fly here, so my thoughts may be somewhat jumbled!) I'd have to say that it tempers my enthusiasm about an Obama presidency a bit (as DH would say, I'm an "Obamakin" ). It makes it seem like Obama is acknowledging that he's weak in the experience arena, and I don't know how easily he's going to be able to sell his "Change" theme as he's now running with the ultimate Washington insider.

                I think I need to find out more about Biden.
                What makes Biden the "ultimate Washington insider"? Just curious what makes him more of an insider than anyone else who's been in office a long time.
                He served as the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee and had been on the Committee for, like, forever... and is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (I think he's the current Chairman). These Committees are two of the most powerful on the Hill--one because it heavily influences Senate approval of Presidential nominees for Article I federal judicial appointment (Biden was a major reason "Bork" was eventually turned into a slang verb meaning "publicly skewered and screwed over, usually for political or other inside agenda purposes"...e.g., "so-and-so got Borked"); the other because it has a TON of $$ spending oversight. Biden's work on the FRC has placed him dead-center in the middle of US policy-making ever since the mess in the Balkans.

                He is, as they as, a mover and shaker.


                • #68
                  Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                  Originally posted by uvagradk
                  Biden's Bloviations will be awesome. Book it.

                  Seriously, though, unless he commits a terrible blunder (which he might), I think he's a great choice.
                  He's always just one "All convenience stores are owned and operated by guys with Indian accents" comment away from completely stepping neck deep in it. Sure bet he wished he could've blamed THAT comment on his propensity to plagarize so that he could have attributed it to someone else.

                  But, in the end, I suspect that the DNC was not all that worried about the Indian voting block.

                  His lack of discretion at times is puzzling, given that he is a smart guy.


                  • #69
                    Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                    Seriously...I don't like McCain at all. Not a conservative in any shape or form.

                    What's seriously got me considering a vote for Obama is the fact that Mario Van Peebles and Fran Drescher have his back. Deep, deep thoughts a la Jack Handy. My favorite Jack Handy quote: "For all of you who think you can turn a weakness into a strength...I hate to tell you but that's another weakness."



                    • #70
                      Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                      Instead of being an organ donor...I'd like my license to convey that I'm a HOV donor. Shout out to Fairfax.


                      • #71
                        Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                        Originally posted by uvagradk
                        Biden's Bloviations will be awesome. Book it.

                        Seriously, though, unless he commits a terrible blunder (which he might), I think he's a great choice. Reaches out to blue collar democrats, independents, and those worried about experience in Washington and abroad. Those upset that Biden isn't "progressive" enough or dissappointed Hilary backers still have to vote Obama anyway...what's their alternative despite their angst?
                        I don't know...he lost me at Biden. I don't see myself voting for the dem ticket this time around. Me...the lifelong liberal, tree-hugging, loony dem.

                        And if McCain picks Romney, I'll laugh my butt all the way to the election. If he were smart, he'd pick a female candidate. THEN...I'll vote for republican ticket~

                        I am now officially, a bra-burning woman who thinks women have earned their rightful place up at the top.

              's that for my first post back from vacation.

                        I'll hide now.

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #72
                          Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                          Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                          Originally posted by migirl

                          Personally I really thought he would pick a woman. Not HRC, but another woman.
                          I absolutely did too....I knew it wouldn't be HRC, but I thought he would. This time around, the election is about different things to me than the same old bs issues that won't change anyway. I'll be scarce in the debates forum!

                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #73
                            Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                            So just to add this to the "she's so crazy" files....I'm kind of feeling better about it all today. I guess I hadn't worked through my HRC grief all the way....

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #74
                              Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                              Oh Kris, welcome back.

                              PLEASE look at the BIG PICTURE!!!!!!!
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                              • #75
                                Re: Veepstakes thoughts...

                                I know, I know...I just had to get my tantrum out of the way. I lied anyway....I just knew that he and HRC were best buds and he was going to pull her out of his pocket. Boohoo.

                                I liked Biden before though...he and Chris Dodd were among my favorites....

                                Time to move on.

                                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

