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Can we do a roll call?

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  • #46
    I've been posting about a year, I think, lurking since shortly before our wedding 3+ years ago, around the time I realized that marrying a med student may have a few more implications for me than invitations to campus parties. DH is currently taking a year "off" between MS3 and MS4 to complete his MPH. He will likely be going into Family Medicine or Internal Medicine. I'm a lawyer, and we're working on the kids part of the equation.


    • #47
      I've been on the boards about 3 years (but I almost never post on weekends, haha).

      My husband and I just celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on Friday. He's a second year peds resident. I work in local government.
      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


      • #48
        I joined about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I don't post very often, but I really enjoy all of the great insight on this forum and I love knowing it is a place I can turn to if I need support.

        We have been married 4 years now. DH is in an MD/PhD program and just finished his first year of grad school. We decided to take advantage of his more flexible schedule during grad school and we are expecting our first child hopefully in a few weeks. We are exploring the midwest, but missing the mountains of the west where we are both from. I am a civil engineer and although I would love to become a SAHM plan to continue working after the baby comes.
        Wife of Anesthesiology Resident


        • #49
          Here! I've been around here for 3+ years, I've been married to my DH for 7 years who is in his 8th and final year of a MD/PhD program. We plan on applying to Ophtho or Peds for Residency soon. I am a SAHM to two DD's ages 6 & 9, the oldest being from my first marriage. We also have 2 turtles named Sobe & Elvis.
          Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


          • #50
            This is a great thread!

            I've been away from imsn for weeks (over a month?) due to a cross country move. Great to read and remind myself who is who!

            I've been here for about 7.5 years.
            I found this site when my DH was about 4 years into a 9 year General surgical residency and CT surgery Fellowship. Our daughter was in "months" at that point. She'll be 8 in October, our middle son will be 6 in October and our youngest son just turned 2.

            I was so tired and frustrated when I found this site and it was so incredibly HELPFUL to hear people say "WE GET IT." The old timers here are fantastic, smart, and witty. I think Kelly, DCJenn, and our Jedi leader Kris really helped me step back from my angry ledge at the time. A huge thank you to them!

            We are currently starting our fifth year out of training and a new job in a new location. I guess we fall into the "you'll leave your first job post training in 3 - 5 years" statistic I've seen people quote here. The job is generally more hours but a better job overall with case diversity, institutional support and a future vision for the practice. I like the location 100 times more than our last job.

            The training years STUNK IT UP big time. Post training has been MUCH MUCH better but there have been bumps for sure.

            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


            • #51
              Argh. Dog ate my first post.

              Checking back in after several months hiatus.

              I'm Sam; my wife is now in her second year of a three-year MD program in a city three hours drive from where we live. I get to see her on weekends (every weekend but one so far!), and during the week I'm at home with our three kids (daughter 6, girl/boy twins aged 4) and in my copious free time I try to do paying work (software). DW is currently in the middle of a six-week mandatory observership period (pre-clerkship electives), and she was able to arrange two things in our city, so we're all currently living in the SAME HOUSE for the first time since last August. And we still have no idea what we're going to be doing/where we're going to be for residency, which is coming up pretty quick.

              (BTW I'm a US citizen but we live in Canada.)

              Of course, tonight is the first night that I got THE EMAIL.... you know: "Honey, clinic is running a little late, I don't know when I'll be home..." So of course I had to come here and post!


              • #52
                I think I found this site when DH was an OB intern. Since then we have done the 4 yr residency, 3 yr fellowship, and now 2 years in private practice and he just made partner. Along the way we had 4 kiddies, who make things fun and busy.

                Many, many low points I would log on to imsn, and be so thankful that I was not alone in this hell!
                Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


                • #53
                  I've been around for about 8 years. DH directed me here shortly after we got engaged during MS-3. This site was my rock throughout training. Right now DH is an anesthesia attending and I'm a SAHM to a 5 month old girl.


                  • #54
                    Sam!!! I was wondering where you disappeared to. . . and the other fellows too. Where have the medical husbands been hiding?
                    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                    • #55
                      I'm here!

                      I started posting a little over three years ago, then fell out of the habit when my wife started her PhD (it just seems so different from what everyone else is going through sometimes!)

                      My wife is smack-dab in the middle of the PhD portion of her MD/PhD program. She's doing research in developmental neurology.

                      We live in Chicago, I'm a patent litigator by day and a letterpress printer by night. I'm having my "new" press delivered next week to our new apartment! No kids or pets or anything else that requires any level of attention above that of "major appliance".
                      - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                      • #56
                        Can we do a roll call?

                        Another male spouse here! Wife is starting second year of OB residency. I'm a SAHD with two kids (2 & 5) and I also work from home for a few hours per day while they sleep.


                        • #57
                          Let's see, I think it was exactly 9 years ago this month that I found this site. Dh had started internship and I had gone and seen a counselor because I thought I was going crazy. The counselor didn't have any helpful advice, but it felt good to vent. I did an internet search for medical spouses, and after finding this site, combined with pregnancy hormones, I realized I wasn't alone nor was I crazy.

                          Dh is 5 years into anesthesia attendinghood. I have been with dh since 1st of medical school, and we just celebrated 12 years of marriage. We have 4 children: girl (8), boy (6), boy (6), and girl (2). Prior to kids, I worked in a molecular biology lab as a research assistant, now I am a SAHM.
                          Gas, and 4 kids


                          • #58
                            Hi everyone,

                            I found this site about three years ago, sometime in the middle of DH's prolonged med school-grad school epic. (That's epic, little "e"). I realize we've only just begun... I've posted just a few times. I haven't had many connections to any medical spouses/partners so it's been nice to know about this site. You are all my heroes!

                            DH just started residency in EM this month. We've been together since he started med school, and just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary a couple days ago. No kids yet, but one rascally feline "dog". Prior to moving 2,500 miles I had never lived anywhere outside the west. I'm embracing the change and excited to get to know our new surroundings, just have to remember it's an adventure, right?

                            reciprocity: jeeeaaalous of your new acquisition! I am a novice printmaker, monotype primarily, some intaglio. I took a letterpress workshop a few months back. Print is a crazy addiction. I love it!


                            • #59
                              I have been on this site something along the line of 4.5 years. My hubby is a MS3, he has been in school for 4 years.. Long story.. We have a daughter that is 20 months and another one on the way, due to arrive sometime in Sept. I have lurked, and delurked many times in the past years, but I love this site and recommend it often..
                              Cheryl~wife to MS3 and Mommy to our two beautiful daughters...



                              • #60
                                I became "active" on this site almost 4 years ago. I had lurked for a year or so before that.

                                -DH is a PGY4 in ortho
                                -We have 3 kids; ages 9, 5, and 2
                                -We have been living over a thousand miles away from family for going on 7 years now
                                -We'll celebrate our 10th anniversary this fall, been together since freshman year in the dorms
                                - Prior to sah with the kids, I used to do therapy with emotional disturbed boys

